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Creative Ideas for Appraisal Training


hi, I deliver appraisal training and more than it just being a tick-box exercise, I am keen to link the process with the psychological needs it fulfills.  I believe that people function better if they know what to do but more importantly why it is important and how it fits into the bigger picture.  I am using this subject to write a specialist paper for my Cert Ed qualification and would like to present it using something creative for delegates to do which I will try out in my sessions at work. 

If you have any offerings at all, I will be eternally grateful.

Thanks, Deb

One Response

  1. “creative” is relative….

    Hi Deb

    Solely reading your post it sounds as if the training you deliver is pretty dry and procedural…this isn’t a criticism but a qualification of the proposal I’m making.

    Get the delegates on the course to brainstorm and discuss the benefits of a good, well thought out and well used appraisal system to Managers, Customers and Staff.  (Remembering that every "manager" is also a member of "staff" ie appraises others and is appraised him/her self).  Although many of these benefits will be tangible (eg increase productivity, deliver correct goods or services) many will be psychological (clarify objectives, clarify aspirations, give a sense of worth/purpose)

    This helps take appraisal away from being "a pain-in-the-**** once a year administrative exercise carried out just to keep the HR department off our backs" to "something that we should all welcome that is a culmination of the year of manager/staff member dialogue.

    All this of course does depend on the parameters of "appraisal"!


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