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Rus Slater

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the words to that song they always play


Our national teams (ie England, Scotland, Wales and Team GB) all stand to attention for the relevant national anthem at the beginning and award moments of the events......given the amount of "loose-lip-movement" and blank-faced-mouthing" during these moments, does anyone know if the teams actually receive any training to help them learn the words?

Rus Slater

3 Responses

  1. England

    I think if you come from anywhere other than England you know your National Anthem off by heart…

    Not sure how many lines are in our National Anthem but but I only know 2!


    PS…That would be 1 more than Rooney!

  2. Welsh passion


    Given the nature of Welsh passion for their rugby and the fact that their (I nearly said ‘our’ as an English living in Wales) national anthen ‘isn’t’ in English it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t need training. That said; many years ago when my sister was involved with Welsh Rugby I seem to remember she learn’t the anthem (not sure whether it was mandatory and what help she had).


  3. National anthem … (South Africa)

    What can I say … our South African anthem is sung in 3 different languages – a verse in each.  English – Afrikaans – Zulu.   Most of us know the verse in our own language.

    Our rugby players are trained to pronounce the words correctly in the other languages, but only half of them seem to sing it .. others stand with eyes closed or simply move their lips.

    Would be nice to see everyone singing wholeheartedly … !!

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Rus Slater


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