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Supplier for Intro to Presentation Skills


I'm looking to find a trainer to run an inhouse Intro to Presentation Skills course. This course will have upto 6 delegates and may run upto 4 times a year for job roles ranging from engineer to Team Leader level.

21 Responses

  1. Archimedes Consulting

    You could try Archimedes Consulting:

    We are specialist and experts, we don’t do off the peg, one size fits all, public programmes. We work closely with our clients to design and deliver client specific programmes that will build personal and corporate effectiveness. We work in areas that require communication, presentation, influence and selling capability. 

    We have specialised in running courses for presentation for technical staff recently, including companies such as Symbian, Medion, Epson, Nvidia, and all courses are bespoke, onsite.

    For further details, please visit or


  2. Presentation skills

    Hi Judith

    This is just the sort of thing that we do. We have recently run such a course for a group of people at the National Air Traffic Control service.

    Contact me if you would like to discuss options/prices etc



  3. Whole Brain Presenting

    Hi Judith

    Presentations are used to communicate information in order usually to gain some form of commitment from the audience. The training we provide ensures that the presenter has an understanding of how people receive that information in order to make use of the information that is provided by the speaker. To do this we use the NBI Brain Profile which assesses your personal thinking preferences. These are important as they are responsible for between  50 – 80% of a persons behaviour. This means that they affect: learning style, presenting style, leadership style etc. When combined with a method of structuring and delivering a presentation it significantly builds personal confidence and allays fears. Hope this helps. Regards, Neil

  4. Intro to presentation skills course

     hi judith


    I am able to deliver this traiing for you. Please email me on and let me have a few more details then i can send you some information


    Have a great week

    Hilary Mosedale


  5. Presentation Skills training

    Hello Judith

    I can certainly help with your enquiry – I’ve extensive experience as an independent training consultant in delivering presentation skills training & coaching for organisations from global corporations to UK government agencies and the not-for-profit sector.

    Job roles worked with include technical, admin, support, frontline, sales, senior management and beyond: and I cover the entire cycle from planning to delivery, scripting, working with visuals, handling stage nerves and verbal / vocal style.

    If you’d like to forward your e.mail add or give me a call, I can forward my professional profile and a more detailed prospectus & idea of costs.  Tel: 07850 711803 / e.mail:

    With thanks & best regards

    Mark Benjamin

    mark benjamin training

    Communication & Business Skills

    Engage..  Influence..  Inspire

  6. Presentation Course


    here’s a thought.

    Pull the 6 people together

    Get them to identify there "needs". You go deepen this by posting a set of 10 key skills, outocmes of maing presentations & people rate their level of competence.

    Then have the group categorize the skills.

    People pair up of do it singally to go out and research the skill areas. The task is to do this then come back and do a presntation on their findings, learnings.

    The group then gives the presenters feedback and feedforward on their presentation.

    Video all the presenatations so people can review and doa self assessment of their presentation.

    The three q’s that woould come of this this would be

    What did I learn?

    What more do i have to learn?

    How will i apply it!

    What do you think of that idea.


    Dr. jim sellner, PhD., DipC.

  7. Trainer for ‘Introducton to Presentation Skills’ course

    Hi Judith,

    I develop and deliver training on behalf of Chwarae Teg – the leading professional agency for the economic development of women in Wales – a not for profit organisation based in Cardiff.

    We offer courses on Equality and Diversity, Flexible Working and Career Development.

    Check out our website or e-mail me

    Kind regards,


  8. Supplier for Intro to Presentation Skills

    — Toni Trevett



    That is one of the training courses we provide our clients – happy to send you some information and costs.  We run multi modular training programmes for many large organisations each year.  You can see some feedback from our fabulous and happy clients on our website too

    Kindest regards


  9. Structure and Interaction

    Hello Judith

    Here at The Training Foundation, we believe that presentations are more than a one-way transfer of information, with the focus being on the presenter.  Our course encourages presenters to look for ways to involve their audience and turn their presentations into dialogue.

    Over two days, presenters are introduced to methods of structuring their presentations so that they have a logical beginning, middle and end, as well as examining ways in which they can deliver with style; confidence, which invariably appears on training needs analyses, is but one of ten categories that are assessed on the Style Profile.

    What makes this course different?  As part of the Diploma in Knowledge Transfer that sits in the TAP Learning System, completion of this course is awarded by a recognised qualification, rather than an Certificate of Attendance.

    Have a browse through the relevant area on our website and look through the testimonials. 

    When you’re ready to find out more, give us a call on 024 7641 1288.





  10. is it hilarious, Steve?

    The sad reality is that in order to earn a living so many of us are having to engage in frantically chasing all possible opportunities. 

    And no, I’m not patronising the people who are on this thread saying "pick me", when what Judith asked for was a recommendation…I was one of the first, albeit that I didn’t use the thread, I used an alternative method.

    Rus Slater

  11. Intro to Presentation Skills

    Hi Judith

    I’d be delighted to chat to you further about your request for an Intro to Presentation Skills programme.  I’ve been running my own training consultancy for over 11 years and this is one of the areas I specialise in.  Rather than provide an "off the shelf" solution for you, my approach would be to chat through the specific needs you have identified and understand the outcomes you’re expecting for the delegates and the business before deisgning an event that matches those needs.  I would therefore wish to find out more before suggesting a programme outline for you.

    I am currently working on launching a new website but if you’d like to find out more about me I can either give you a call for a chat or I can send you a copy of my profile which highlights the recent projects I’ve been involved in. I work across the public and private sectors and I’d be happy to provide a few clients as reference that I’ve delivered similar training for.

    One of the key themes of any presentation skills programme I deliver is building confidence which I believe for this subject is just as important as building skills. 

    If you wish to contact me Judith my e-mail is or my mobile is 07812 766575

    Best, Jackie Jamieson

    HR/Training Consultancy



  12. Same same but different


    Read the thread from top to bottom…which one would you pick?

    I’m pretty sure nobody would choose a trainer based on a message board self promotion?

    Maybe the original poster will let us know what they decide??

  13. Something We Could Possibly Help With

    Hello Judith,

    Presentation Skills are of of our main offering along side courses such as train the trainer courses.

    Our Presentation Course has recently been rolled out to a number of different clients in both the Public and Private Sector.

    If you would like to talk further about this, or if you would like to view some of the feedback forms from our previous clients I’m happy to share these with you to help you make an informed decision.  You can get in touch via the site at

    If not, I hope you find a suitable comapny soon who can help.

    As Mike mentioned above, the direcory here is a great place to start along with Trainer Base.



  14. Roll up roll up – any more?

    Well I am not at all surprised – but the ‘me me me!’ responses are a bit excessive.

    Hmmmm, maybe a bit more policing of the contributions and a rather more genune help other than such obvious self-promotion?

  15. The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art

    Hi Judith,

    Take  a look at RADA Enterprises,  REL, as we’re known, is the commercial arm of RADA and offer bedpoke in-house training on a variety of communication skills related matters.

    Good luck with your search.
