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Company Induction


I am looking to refresh our induction and I am wondering what other organisations include.

How long is your induction ?

What do you include?

How do you know that it is sucessful on boarding?

I would love to hear your views and experiences



5 Responses

  1. Refreshing Induction

    Hi Sarah,

    May I suggest considering integrating some financial literacy into your induction?

    95% of employees say that financial education, guidance and advice was their single greatest financial services need and new graduates in particular have low levels of capability.  

    I would be delighted to discuss further 

    — Vivi Friedgut

  2. Company Induction



    What you are asking is difficult to answer generally. We have a corporate induction which covers the organisation, and the usual health & safety, customer care, etc. This is four hours on a monday morning, then the new employee joins the specific department for localised induction which takes the rest of the day.  We also have a range of role-specific e-learning which has to be completed in an appropriate time frame. For me the two most important aspects are to make sure that the new starter is ‘buddied’ throughout the first few weeks and that there is a continual appraisal or assessment of their competencies during the critical first few months. If a new starter is not performing it is easier to address any issues as they arise, and not wait for predetermined appraisal times.  — Terry George MCIPD Training Consultant

  3. Focus on it’s value – connecting people to the business

    Hi Sarah,

    Induction is one of my real passions, it so rarely delivers in the way it could so I hope these thoughts help you to buck the trend.

    1. Think of it as an induction ‘period’ within which a number of things need to be covered in order to ensure that the individual can become a fully functioning member of the team (2wks to 3mnths depending on role)
    2. Identify what is covered already within departments and make sure that those processes are sound.
    3. The ‘company’ induction part can then focus on helping new employees to connect & feel part of the company, easier done if you have a vision, values & competencies to work with but far from impossible without them.
    4. If you can cover the necessities like H&S, Fire, Food Safety etc by using e.learning packages that really helps to take away the ‘boring’ bits.  If you can’t, then the key is to make those parts very interractive.  Quiz format, ask the expert, find the answers around the offices.

    The more you create opportunities for the employees to find information for themselves rather than being told / shown / presented to, the more likely you are to fire people up and to my mind, enable your induction to fulfill it’s potential.

    Please get in touch if you want to talk it over further or bounce any ideas.  Good luck.

    Lindsay Hawkins, Cultivate Training & Development – nurturing people, growing talent

  4. Thank-you!

    Hello All,


    Just wanted to say a big thank-you to you all for taking the time to respond.

    I have found the answers very interesting Vivi you are right I am going to put in place finacial regulations education this is something that has not happened and this need to be put right.

    Lindsay your ideas of making it more interactice rather that "telling" really hits the mark for you ideas thanks so much.

    You have all given me real food for thought!





  5. Blackbullion

    — Vivi Friedgut



    Sounds like you have a lot to do!

    If I can help, or you wish to discuss further I would be delighted…

    Stay warm!


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