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Brendon Cappelletti


Specalist Trainer/Facilitator

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Change Management / Leadership workshop material


Hi All,

I am looking for some material, hopefully off the shelf, that will enable me to run a face to face workshop on Change Management / Leadership.

I have been researching the topic for a couple of days and am in a daze:)

My target audience is front line and middle managers.

From their point of view they would benefit from a simple model to follow with a strong emphasis of the people side of change and how to lead their teams through change.

Is there an off the shelf package that you have used in the past or could recommend a supplier?

Thanking you in advance


3 Responses

  1. Prosci Change Management

    Hi Brendan, have you discovered Prosci® Change Management in your recent research?

    As a business change manager I can’t recommend it enough!  A sound methodology, based on empirical evidence Prosci provides a structured approach with tools and techniques to assess organisational and project change competence, measure and manage resistance. It also helps managers and sponsors learn how to guide their employees effectively through business change to ensure return on investment is delivered using the ADKAR™ model. To find out more I suggest you visit Prosci’s website and CMC Partnership’s site, who are UK Prosci training providers and experts in change management.
  2. communication is absolutely key


    I would recommend doing this:

    1. Get them to brainstorm two lists; one of the best change practices that they have experienced/heard about in the past and the other of the worst change practices they have experienced/heard about in the past.  (This was the subject of a large study a few years ago and the outcomes, in the form of the top five of each[see below], will help you if you need to give them some prompts.)

    2. Get them to share and discuss these factors, both positive and negative.

    3. Then get them doing some actual planning of what they will do in the real world to emulate the best and avoid the worst.

    This will give you, and them, and the people they are about to inflict change on, a far better outcome than any amount of theoretical models….it is entirely about the people side of change and I have used this approach several times with public and private sector clients to great effect.


    I hope this helps

    Rus Slater


     A survey of 12,000 professionals produced the following list of best and worst change practices

    Best Change Practices

    1. Effective communication

    2. Employee involvement or buy-in

    3. Leadership and commitment from senior management

    4. Evidence that management is living the change

    5. Explicit business imperative for change


    Worst Change Practices

    1. Failing to communicate to all employees about change

    2. Not clearly expressing the change vision, objectives and the rationale

    3. Being dishonest (or evasive) about change processes and implications

    4. Not giving employees a voice in the change process

    5. Failing to plan for change



  3. Ready made sessions

     Hi Brendan,

    I wonder if these two bite-size sessions would be of interest? They would easily make half a day together, and are n’t that expensive. they are aimed at employees and first line managers, so I wouldn’t recommend them for use with more senior people.

    Manage the Impact of Change –

    Handle resistance to Change –

    Hope that are useful

    Louise Gelsthorpe

    Power Hour

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Brendon Cappelletti

Specalist Trainer/Facilitator

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