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Looking for advise &/or help…


I am one of the two Safety Coordinators at my place of employment. We have recently started integrating soft skills in our training and I was wanting to know of any training material resources available that are low to no cost. We have just under 100 employees and my co-coordinator & I are both 'new' at training. training material that I am interestred in is of course soft skills but also any topics concerning office safety.
Thanks so much-

5 Responses

  1. material is only a part of the equation.

    Hi Heather

    you will find lots of low cost and no cost material on TrainerBase and on the websites of TZ subscribers.  eBay is also an abundant source of low cost training material………..




    …….if you are new to training then the big question is "How will you know what is good and what is ghastly?"  You could do untold damage if you blunder* in and start delivering (even good material) poorly.  You may damage your staff, the employer and, perhaps worse of all (from your point of view) your own credibility and hence your career options.

    Sadly there is often a belief that anyone can deliver training, indeed I used to work for a senior manager whose belief was just that; "brain dump everything you know about the subject onto PowerPoint slides and then take’em through it.  Easy"

    I would strongly suggest that the two of you get on a ‘proper’ TTT so that you have the ability to train effectively, assess b(r)ought in materials and design your own bespoke programmes.

    Sorry if this doesn’t just answer your question but I have seen people fall very dramatically on their faces when new to training and trying to do it on the cheap/quick/easy.

    Good Luck and keep asking the questions!



    * sorry if this sounds judgemental…..

  2. Also…

    As well as a "good" TTT… (beware plastic clappy hands and Emu toys)

    I would just like to add that for me, the best way to learn is to attend courses and see how you are being trained. This can get quite expensive but there are also a lot of free networking events. TheBild have 6 free events a year for members so thats definetely worth the investenment in joining.

    Then "borrow" all the good ideas!

  3. Support for soft skills training

    HI Heather

    We can help – please visit – we specialise in supporting training providers who want to deliver soft skills training and can help with low cost materials and support and membership is free. If you tell us what your specific training objectives are, we can direct you to the right types of materials for you and guide you in how to use them for the best impact. I completely agree with the comment that materials are only part of the equation. Support in using them and good train the trainer help is essential.


  4. Training materials and support

    Hi Heather, I have many ready made training courses you can have, all with excellent client feedback for example: 

    Effective training course:

    "I found this training very useful and have already lots of ideas on how to implement my learning outcomes".

    "This is really excellent; I am learning new ideas plus validating current techniques used in the clinical training team".

    I have courses on presenting, culture, relationships, time management and others.  I don’tt know where you are based. If feasible I would be happy to assist you with your development. I have developed many excellent trainers in the last 20 years and it is a pleasure to help anyone who is keen to develop. 

    If you want the materials or some help please contact me – 

    Cheers, Nick.



  5. A few good sites

    Hi there.

    There is loads of training materials out there, much of it at ‘reasonable’ costs, but often the difficulty is in not knowing exactly what you are getting for your money! 

    Having researched this issue myself, I can suggest the following sites with some confidence:

    1. TrainingZone very own shop has loads of great resources, and they are a trusted ‘brand’ so you can be pretty sure of quality

    2. The Complete Trainer has a LOT of resources from a wide range of providers, and a lot of it is white lable i.e. you can rebrand it.

    3. Power Hour – I have to confess vested interest here, but we have 23 titles for bite-size soft skills training which you can buy PDFd (in our brand) or as word versions, which you can tailor yourself. All include detailed trainer and delegate materials 

    4. Trainer Bubble – Has a good range of free resources and activities, and you can also buy full courses on a wide range of topics.

    5. Rapidbi – A great selection of management/supervisory skills training materials, all ‘ready to use’. It’s priced in dollars, but developed in the UK

    6. Spectrum Training – Top quality materials from a very experienced trainer. Some are free, some are ‘register for’ and some you have to buy, but lots of diverse topics and well worth a look

    I hope that you find this useful!

    Louise Gelsthorpe

    Power Hour Training – Bite Size training materials

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