Hi - Does anyone have any practice scenarios that can be used in a 'supporting employees in a crisis' workshop. We plan to do a few practice sessions looking at the case study, how would you deal with this situation etc. Any help welcome.
3 Responses
Can you define “crsis” in this instance?
Hi Paul
Would a crisis have to be solely work related or could it relate to an employee’s family or personal financial situation? Could it be an individual crisis (such as a complaint of gross misconduct) or could it be a group crisis, such as a fire or flood in the office, where a colleague had been injured?
Hi – yes its mainly where a incident/disaster has happened and affects one or more employees in an office for example
Rather than using a particular case study, why not start the event with a brainstorm of the potential crises for your organisation….this could actually take to the form of some scenario planning as well!
You could then get the group to identify who is most likely to actually be affected by such a crisis and to what extent, consequently what would we need to do, and what resources/data/skills would we need to have to do it.
I hope this helps