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Thinking of Moving to the UK


 I am thinking of moving to the UK. I have 12 years T&D Experience and a baby. Yep :)  I am unable to find work here as there is no demand.  I was wondering what the T&D climate is in the UK specifically England. Where would be the best place to look for work and live with a child?  I do not need a visa to visit but I do need one to work and I am wondering how to go about this process.  Can I visit and look? Are employers keen on hiring and acquiring visas? Would it take longer than three months? 

As you can see (read) I am kinda clueless here and want to do this the right way. Any advice will be appreciated.

9 Responses

  1. Where is “here”?

    Hi Shennel

    Firstly, congratulations on wanting to live and work in the best place in the world 😉 You didn’t say where you are now?

    Assuming you don’t want to be self employed which in my opinion would be almost impossible for a new arrival in the country…

    One of the best ways I have found of working overseas is to get a job in your own country with an International employer and ask for a transfer. Most big company’s have offices in many countries these days so it’s not as hard as it may sound. It also takes away all the risk and they pay all your expenses of actually getting here and sort out all the paperwork.

    It’s pretty hard for anyone in Training these days so to arrive with no contacts or the appropriate visa etc is going to be very difficult for you.

    Let us know where you are and I’m sure we could all think of some companies you have there that we have here!

    Good look





  2. questions?

    Hi Shennel

    1. Are you looking for "work" or for a job?

    2. Do you have a USP, either as an employee or as a consultant? If so, what is it? (I suspect that you may find it hard to find a prospective employer who would sponsor a visa unless you have a really strong USP.)

    3. Where are you?  The cost of living in the UK is not cheap and is rising, any benefit you may gain by finding work here may be cancelled out (and more) by the comparitive costs of childcare, for instance.

    4. The UK training market is erratic at present; some areas are strong others have dwindled; what is your sector expertise and what are the disciplines you train in?

    5. Are you a trainer, training designer, manager of training, or are you in the wider L&D/OD arenas? What do you want to be in the future?

    6. I’m sure you have alsready considered this but what will be the effect of an international relocation on your child, his/her father, your parents and so on?

    Give us more info and you may get more useful answers





  3. Hospitality

    Nice pink Twitter page 😉

    As you are in Hospitality there are numerous Worldwide opportunities such as these…

    Agree with Russ… the UK is not an "easy" place to live…very expensive and it rains 11 months of the year. 99% of the UK people who read your post would probably rather live in Trinidad & Tobago than here as the winter approaches after our 3 days of summer.

  4. Thank you

    Thank you for the information. I guess I have a lot more thinking to do.

    Hi Steve: Isnt pink the best 😉  I will visit that link. The hotels we have here are the Hilton, Hyatt and the Marriott. We also have Crown Plaza and Holiday Inn but I think I am a better fit for the first three mentioned. 

    Russ: To answer your questions:

    1. I am looking for an opportunity for career growth. Being from an island (developing country) there is only so far you can go with a career in T&D.  Most  practitioners end up being consultants. I think there is so much more to learn and do in this field. Coaching etc.

    2&3. As Gary noted I am from Trinidad and Tobago and in the Hospitality field. Prior to the hospitality field I worked in the finance industry as a Training Specialist.

    4&5. I am a T&D Manager now and worked from the bottom up so I can coordinate and design. My career goal is becoming head of L&D for a large firm, preferably in hospitality. Getting into the three international hotels are tough. It not like they need 6 of us 🙂

    The Caribbean a very appealing place to live and cost of living is fair but it is getting expensive. I doubt it can be as costly as a major city though.  I would continue to research and plan accordingly.

    Thanks again. If any of you are planning to visit Trinidad and Tobago and need any information you can contact. 

    Follow me on twitter if you wish 🙂

  5. UK

    Hi again

    I am always interested why people would want to live in the UK. (Especially from places that many of us want to go to on Holiday)

    Let us know what you think it’s like here and we will let you know if what you want is possible?

  6. coincidence?

    Just yesterday I was running a presentation skills course and one of the delegates chose to "do" his trial presentation on "Why Trinidad is the best country on Earth"………pity you aren’t an accountant, you could have swapped jobs with him!



  7. But it is Rus!!!

    Trust me it is great here and  I love my country.

    You can have a fantastic social life! Lots of  holidays, Sun Sea and Sand! What’s not to love. 

    If you have a good career  it can be even better 😉 

    It’s number 1 on 1000 places to visit before you…you know…"kick the bucket."

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