Dear all,
We are developing management and leadership development programmes, at three levels, which would traditionally have been called Team Leader; Middle Manager and Senior Manager levels. However, the organisation would like to give each level a recognisable brand which is modern, aspirational and exciting, whilst also indicating clearly what they are.
I would love some help/ inspired ideas/ sharing of what your management development courses are called … as am feeling not so inspired or creative!
Thank you very much
Dear all,
We are developing management and leadership development programmes, at three levels, which would traditionally have been called Team Leader; Middle Manager and Senior Manager levels. However, the organisation would like to give each level a recognisable brand which is modern, aspirational and exciting, whilst also indicating clearly what they are.
I would love some help/ inspired ideas/ sharing of what your management development courses are called ... as am feeling not so inspired or creative!
Thank you very much
4 Responses
Naming of Management and Leadership development
What about grouping the training into categoreis aimed at the levels they are aimed at (Senior, Middle manager, team leader) . Training aimed at those who create vision and goals for the business (strategists) could be categorised as Shaping the Business. Training aimed at those who translate the strategy into compliant performance measures could be categorised asTranslating the strategy Training aimed at developing those that manage resources to ensure business plans are achieved could be categorised as Delivering business plans Finally training aimed at those who are responsible for delivering in day to day operations could be categorised as leading and advising.
What is it about
Might it be a case of thinking around what the courses are about.
Team leader is likely to be the first step in promotion so could be quite exciting and they will hopefully ‘Aspire’ to greater things.
Middle managers are there hopefully getting things done but may be able to ‘Achieve’ more.
Senior managers are about getting other to do things better and will hopefully ‘Empower’ their staff.
Just some thoughts:)
Peter Mayes
Founder of TrainerBase
If here was once there, where is there now? (PJM 1999)
at the risk of being contentious…….
Why stratify them?
Rather than making them aspirational this could backfire and make them appear hierarchical; this in turn can be seen as reinforcing the chasm between the layers of staff management.
You could end up with the ‘Ivory Towers’ programme for senior managers, ‘The Just Pass Messages’ programme for the middle managers and the ‘Don’t Really Think, Just Keep Whipping The Workforce’ programme for the Team Leaders.
Alternatively you could just give the individual modules "Ronseal" names that make it very clear what they aim to help the individual achieve.
Just a thought.
Titles can be a misnomer
I tend to agree with Russ. One organisation I worked for ran courses entitled "Presentation Skills" and "Advanced Presentation Skills". Guess what, senior managers opted for the "Advanced" programme – yet arrived with no better skills than other staff who came on the other course. There was a presumed hierarchy it seemed.