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Presentation for a Regional Training Facilitator



I need to present a 15 minute power point presentation. The title is:

“Why do you think you can make a difference in health and social care?”

Any ideas of suggestions would be good. I obviously want to stand out and maybe make it fun and get them to laugh. It always put everyone at ease if I can.

Many thanks for reading


9 Responses

  1. Fun

    It doesn't need to be fun and you don't need to make them laugh. In fact the more you try to be funny the less funny you will be.

    Forget the technology for a moment…Why DO you think you can make a difference? Theres your answer…now what is the best way of explaining what you can offer?


  2. They have specfically asked

    They have specfically asked for a power point presentation so that is what I will do.

    Many thanks for the replies.

  3. YouTube

    Hello again


    Go to You Tube and search for "how to improve presentations" lots of examples and advice there.

    Also have a look on Slideshare…search for presentation skills and lots of examples there.

  4. Keep it simple…

    Ok, i understand. If they asked for that then of course do that. 

    But they didn't ask for bullet points. Keep your slides pictures with as little text as possible – my video aboce will help i hope.





  5. Hi Sally

    Hi Sally

    If this job is for a training deliverer, rather than a training manager, I would wonder why they want a presentation rather than a training session?

    I would want to show them what a great trainer I am (!) by using PP very sparingly, perhaps to put up the learning outcomes from your session and for instructions for an exercise you do? Otherwise, how will they know if you are any good at training if all you do is present from the slides?

    Perhaps you could  tell them why you are the person for the job (ie Why you think you can make a difference in health and social care) and then illustrate and evidence that with a snippet from a training course you would deliver for them? Maybe something around a hot topic such as SOVA or DoLS or H&S?

    Good luck


  6. What purpose?


    Before to begin work on presentation, to choose pictures or the text, video or jokes, ask itself couple of questions:
    1 . What do I want to tell to these people?
    2 . What do they have to make after the presentation termination?
    3  .  What do they want to receive from this presentation? 
    Having answered these questions, you receive at once the direction – where to move further.
  7. Pecha Kucha

    Hi Sally

    15 mins is not long so making it fun and impactful sounds like a great approach. I have used a style before call Pecha Kucha, the prescribed format is detail below although in reality I have never delivered to this exact format. The style supports 5 – 20 mins presentations and although it is suggested that each slide only has one image but as long as you steer clear of slides being text heavy it works well. It is good for creating natural flowing presentations and supports storytelling, example scenarios, sharing a bit about you (good for putting people at ease), and inspiring thoughts from the audience about their own experiences. If you search on the internet and Youtube you will see good and bad example!   

    PechaKucha or Pecha Kucha (Japanese: for chit-chat) is a presentation methodology in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (six minutes and 40 seconds in total). The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called Pecha Kucha Nights.

    If you want to talk through it or see an example I have used feel free to get in contact.

    All the best


    Ps although it can be very "informal" it still can be used in a professional way and easily cover important subjects with gravitas. I delivered a" How to Pecha Kucha" session to a group of 50 Financial managers who then presented to the Leadership Team on the topic of "What areas should the business focus on to develop and maintain financial grow in the next 12 months?" . The Leadership team voted on the most impactful presentation and the one that was closest to the pure Pecha Kucha style came out on top. More importantly I received feedback months after the event that managers personally felt their presentations where getting the results they wanted and the Leadership team echoed the positive changes.

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