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Andrew Paine


Coach: Facilitator: Teacher

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Time Management… Hang On A Minute


I'm looking for some exercises on a Time Management session I'm writing. It needs to appeal to the 'plan it' and the 'wing it' brigade. All help, greatly appreciated.

3 Responses

  1. the short answer…..

    ….is that you probably won't find something that appeals to both the 'plan it' and the 'wing it' brigades…..the former like BDUF and the latter can just about cope with EDUF (if that)….so if I were you I'd go for a debate between the two factions, discussing the potential pitfalls of each forma and the types of situation where one is "better" than the other.



  2. Routines? Try this…

    Get them all to write a list of everything they do every day between their eyes opening and getting to work.

    Both "plan it" and "wing it" will both probably have some sort set routine for this- they're able to turn up to work each day!

    Get some response on how orderly they believe this needs to be… How much preperation do they do the night before? (lunch, clothes)

    Everyone will have their own answers BUT cruitally some things will be the SAME for everyone and HAVE to happen in a certain order

    Some things are more flexible- dressed before or after breakfast- who NEEDS a cup of tea/coffee before they can face the shower?! Those with families will feel this with the fight for the bathroom with the kids etc!

    Then ask them how they might cope with some unexpected circumstance (ask for exampels everyone has at least one time something has happenend!)

    The key here is that the preperation and the ROUTINE of the process means that someone who has a plan can cope easier with the unexpected and that some tasks (ie those where you don't need to wait for a flash of creative genius to happen!) are best ALWAYS approached with a "plan it" mentality which can then FREE UP time for creative "wing it" thinking in other areas.

    I could think of some pretty creative ways to present this. but I'll get back to my "wing it" work and leave the rest of the planning up to you!

    Best wishes


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Andrew Paine

Coach: Facilitator: Teacher

Read more from Andrew Paine