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Help with training presentation


Hello there

It has been my dream to get into training and I have just secured an interview for a software trainer position next week which I am so pleased about! I have been asked to do a training presentation on any topic of choice as part of the interview

As they have specified it to be a training presentation, the thing that came to mind was that I could give a presentation on how to use a particular piece of technology/software, maybe something like an app on the ipad or something like that and create a quick guide for them to follow whilst I present the training to keep it relevant to the job role and give them a good showcase of my training skills.

Does anyone know any good apps that would make a good subject for a technical training presentation does anyone have any other ideas??

Thanks so much in advance


6 Responses

  1. How about Google Maps? You

    How about Google Maps? You can ask them questions to get them involved (eg when might you want to use this app, what info are you likely to need to use it, what might cause problems etc etc). Then you could explain the app, give a demo, then coach them to do it , then let them do it by themselves.


  2. Great idea!

    Thanks JJ you have suggested a great idea and I am now developing a presentation on Google Maps and a training excercise based on software trainer planning their journey from work to a project site! 

    Thanks so much for igniting the spark!


  3. Plan B

    Congrats on getting the interview and I think this is a really good idea


    Last year we interviewed for a trainer role and the person being interviewed wanted to show a short video as part of their session, however when it came to play it, it didn't work and they fell apart not knowing what to do, needless to say it effected the rest of the session.

    Make sure you have a plan B just in case you suffer technical difficulties such as loss of wifi/3G or the App crashes.  Should this actually happen, the interview panel will be watching to see how you deal with it and recover the session. 


  4. Great advice!

    Thanks Scott for your great words of wisdom!

    I have just painstakingly put together a back up screenshot presentation … although it certainly won't have the same impact, but at least I have the Plan B.

    Let's hope it won't come to that though!

    Was wondering if I could take the liberty to ask if you/or anyone else like you who hires trainers to have a squizz over my presentation once I have finished (and even a chat if time allows?) to critique it for me?

    Please PM me if so

    Many Thanks



  5. Keep it simple

    Hi Sal,

    Congratulations on securing the interview, you sound very enthusiastic about it and I'm sure this will shine through on the day.

    In addition to the great comments above I would like to add one of my own: Keep it simple.

    As the interview has specified that you must conduct a training presentation, they will most likely be looking for learning outcomes – these do not necessarily have to be complicated. Searching for and downloading an app or finding a location using Google maps are great suggestions – break these down to the step by step points it takes to achieve this and I think you're on to a winner!

    I like the idea of putting together a guide; I would also recommend that you consider a demonstration. We often learn best by watching someone do something first.

    Good luck.


  6. More great advice


    Thanks so much Lucy for your words of advice and encouragement.

    I do hope that my enthusiasm comes through like you said!


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