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Rus Slater

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recession effect?


Yesterday was All Fools' day....I don't know about you, but I hardly saw any April Fool stunts and the few I did see seemed a bit lacklustre.

I did get sent a link for some historic ones;, which are well worth a read.

Why were there so few April Fool hoaxes, do you suppose? Is it political correctness/fear of being sued for misleading people? Or is it just that people can't justify the "spend" on a non value-added activity?

Did anyone see a good one they are prepared to share to lighten our return to work after the spring Bank Holiday?


4 Responses

  1. Timing

    I wonder if the lack of jokes is an indication of how many of these are cooked up during working hours when we should all be doing something else (!)

    1st April was a non-working day at the end of along weekend, and the start of the Easter holidays as well in the UK.

    I think people probably had better things to do this year!!

  2. April Fool!

    Hey Rus

    I'm with you on the sense of humour drought – some of us perhaps aren't!

    My attempt this year at winding a family member up April fool-style was to pretend to my Mum that I had got a tattoo done. (I'd bought one of those dodgy tattoo transfers that just wash off). When I told her, expecting her to be outraged and start shouting at me as if I was 11 years old again, she just burst out laughing!! Spectacular failure…

    Fortunately, later that day we saw a huge poster in an empty shop whilst driving through the small and 'respectable' town where she lives, a large poster showing the shadow of a naked lady dancing around a pole, advertising a new service coming soon to the shop – "Peppermint Hippo Gentleman's Club – Jobs available now for dancers & bar staff – email:"…… I had to stop and take a photo! At least my poor Mum had fallen for that one as she thought it was for real, bless her!!


  3. coming soon

    hi bluetablecloth (come on that name has to be an april fool!)

    I put in a planning application on the 1st of April to build a blacksmith's forge in my garden…..that isn't a joke though; my son is a young blacksmith and he needs somewhere to work.

    I keep reading that the government have started a planning free for all, that allows anyone to build anything anywhere…. but I can tell you that trying to a get permission to put a 14 foot by 18 foot "shed" in the bottom of your garden is no flipping joke!


  4. Belated April Fool

    Yes Rus -received this one just after 12 on April 1st but it made me smileBREAKING NEWS….

    We are writing to announce a little victory we had today. We just received word from the International Trademark Tribunal in Geneva that the term "KPI" is now to be used exclusively to mean "Key Person of Influence".

    No longer can people use the term to mean "Key Performance Indicator" which has caused much confusion to people in relation to our brand.

    The court has said that the term "Key Performance Indicator" shall now be referred to world wide as "Critical Performance Metric" or "CPM".

    Now senior managers within corporate organisations will be asking employees if they "have a CPM problem" or do they need any "assistance with their CPM this week".

    We are happy with this decision by the courts and expect this will help organisations everywhere to clear up any confusion they may have had in relation to our "Key Person of Influence" brand.

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Rus Slater


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