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How do you chose a Time Management course?



I'm curious about what motivates people to go on a Time Management course.

- Are they sent on one as part of a standard induction or training package? 

- Do they request it as part of a development plan?

- Is there a trigger event that creates a burning need ?

Or is there some other reason I've missed out?



6 Responses

  1. Time Management – is it the real issue?

    Hi Tony,

    When I worked as Head of L&D, my team would put forward Time Management as a subject for our corporate training brochure every year.  It would come up through the TNA's with department head's etc, or it would be something that people would request during the year.

    I was always refused (rightly or wrongly!) to provide a "Time Management" course and instead challenged my team and line managers to go back and conduct a root cause analysis of the issue.  I don't recall a situation where 'Time Management' in its true sense of the word was actually the issue. 

    Generally speaking, we found that there was a performance issue which the line manager was trying to solve by sending them on a training course rather than managing the issue, or the person was struggling because they had unclear expectations/unreasonable workload/fear of failure etc.

    By tackling the root cause of the problem and providing training and support on that we found there was no need for a generic Time Management course.

    I know that's not quite what you were asking, but thought I'd share anyway!  🙂 


  2. Time Management is an illusion

    I run time management courses….but the title is a misnomer.  What I find is that any group of people have a range of different challenges when it comes to using their time productively, for some it is about goals and for others priorities.  For some it is distractions and for some it is simple ergonomics.

    What I do find is that where people attend a generic "Time Management" course they inevitably find some tips, hints, methods and tools that help them to improve their personal productivity….whether attending a whole one day course is the most effective way to do this is potentially open to debate.  Most recently however, one delegate reported that in the month following the course he had been able to save himself 25 minutes per day, everyday (and would in perpetuity)….this represented not only a quantifiable ROI but had also allowed him to use that time to more profitable effect AND to be much more positive about his role in general.

    F has also hit a nerve….I had one delegate who was attending because he had been late to work three times in a two week period and he was sent on the course as "punishment".  Similarly I'd be as rich as Creosus if I had a pound for every time I've heard people say "I'd be far more productive if my boss would just shut up and let me get on with the job, rather than constantly disturbing me!" (which is something that we cover on the course!)


  3. What about the tourists?

    You know them, the people who come on a course, interact with everyone at the tea breaks, have a great time, take the handouts as souvenirs and then go back and tell everyone about their great day out the office. 

    As Rus says, the framing is critical. Time management courses seem to attract tourists looking for a day out and something new. Generally they're there because, as Fiona says, there's a management issue that the manager thinks they'll solve by putting them on a course.


    Manager gets staff member out the office.

    Staff member gets a day out.

    Trainer gets a happy participant.

    Why break the illusion?


  4. Andrew, you cynic…..

    …you have made me feel like a glorified deck-chair attendant!

    Good point, well made!



  5. Time Management

    I used to Train Time Management Courses. In my experience people who attend are intelligent enough to prioritise their work. I found that many had too great a workload, so the most benefit in the course was discussing and preparing for how to tackle the boss.

    Carolyn Svahn

  6. Time for an Upgrade

    I think that there are some modern-day symptoms of time management problems that trigger people to look for help. Here's a short list::

    – Inbox overload — too many messages and notifications to handle in a day

    – Unbalanced lives – a sense that time is being invested in the wrong things

    – Time Demands falling through the cracks — commitments that simply drop off the radar

    – A rise in physical clutter

    My clients report that people seem to be going fine until something changes , such as having a baby, or being forced to do the job of someone who has left the company and won't be replaced. At times it happens on a small scale, and at others it affects an entire team all at once.

    The challenge is that people don't see the connection between the symptoms and a need to upgrade their habits, practices and rituals.

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