The use of flip charts and posters has now been banned in my building. Modern technology has taken over and all training now has to take place using SMART boards and tablets.
Has anyone else said goodbye to flipcharts, handouts and post it notes?
What would you do if you had to go paperless?
4 Responses
Paperless training room
I understand that technology has provided huge benefits for the training room (who remembers keeping fingers crossed during a course that the overhead projector bulb doesn't blow cos there's never a spare?!)). In fact I now email copies of the powerpoint slides to delegates after the course rather than print to paper.
However I would struggle without flip chart paper. Learning theory talks about using as many senses as possible to aid learning. It also talks about repetition and review.
During training courses, I like to place completed flip charts around the room so that the messages remain visually for longer. I also like to review the content covered with the audience by taking a tour of the hanging flip charts. Can technology do something similar? (This luddite genuinely doesn't know). If it can then I need to embrace new technology; if it doesn't, I would need to negotiate an exception to the paperless training room.
Best wishes
Bryan (One up from the slate and chalk) – in house course delivery and training materials
I know the feeling
I am facing similar doubts but there are electronic flipcharts now…the new generation boards are pretty amazing so it looks like the paper won't be coming back, even if it was allowed!
a small voice of doom
1. Tablets are great in the classroom but the batteries are dead by lunchtime so they need recharging over the lunch-break….so that is 12 plug sockets required and 12 chargers to keep an eye on
2. I see a lot of postings on Free-cycle and Freegle for "6 x Interactive Whiteboard/SMART boards. Not working. Free for spares or repair. Must be collected Saturday"…..suggests that their shelf life is not always much better than a flipchart sheet.
PS I also agree with Bryan's comments
more tech solution
I have no problem with this… but have yet to see a room that is suitable. for example to replace flipcharts you need to be able to project on all parts of the wall, not just on the "main screen"
you also need virtual screen desktops as the desks to allow virtual postits etc
if the company cannot provide FULL tech.. then point out simply that the human being is a physical being and needs to learn in a 3d words, and one smart screen does not meet our needs!
in 2010 I wrote The perfect training room of the future, the tech was available, I still have not seen such a room!