I've just read Nigel Paines article (https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/topic/leadership/creative-challenge) and great points well made regarding people, creativity and implementation. People will readily come up with ideas in 'safe-ish' environments yet do have issues making decisions where it can provoke their fears (making a wrong decision / failure, looking a fool, not coming up with the best idea first) or where they don't have sufficient data to back up their position. In today's economic environment the easiest decision is to do nothing which ultimately leads to stagnation through apathy. The confidence gained from making decisions on a regular basis, whether supported through delegation or inspired through being given the freedom and encouragement to try things out leads to better decision making, more confidence and greater results. Yes to processes and checks along the way to make sure we keep a learning culture as part of what we do. So what's my real point? I've spent the last 5 years working with owner / managers of small and medium sized businesses and managers of larger organisations collecting reasons for 'not doing things' and have distilled them into a simple decision making formula that can not only calibrate what we face to day but can then become a tool given to people of any capability which they can take forward by helping them understand the most important factors in most decisions which are cost, impact, speed and ease. Concepts, opportunities, projects or processes can then be evaluated in a quick and easy way and be recorded for future reference. Clarity is gained about 'what to do' and decisions can be supported through ready data or visual reference. What do we want? We're about to start a process of collecting empirical data with a local University's Institute for Entrepreneurship to support what we're doing but would like to share our thoughts and tools with anyone who wishes to collaborate. If this is you please send me a reply (comment) with contact details.