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Ana Antunes da Silva

Aim to Be

Coach - Facilitator - Consultant

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What makes a Bad Boss?


Does your boss motivate you? If you answered yes, then consider yourself to be one of the lucky few. Do you think your boss is arrogant, lazy, incompetent or plain useless? If this is your reality, you may find some consolation in knowing that unfortunately you are not alone. Having a bad boss is a major reason why many people leave their jobs.

Remember that it is crucial to separate the behaviour from the person. It is possible that your manager is a great person and a bad boss. Whilst this of course serves no purpose it helps to humanise the relationship and demystify expectations. Your boss may have temporary stressful moments which are totally understandable and common, yet this is not an excuse to hide behind inadequate behaviour.

Do you suffer from Bad Boss syndrome? What bad bosses have you had to endure? I look forward to hearing about your bad boss tales.

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One Response

  1. Drive up management standards!

    The effects of a "bad boss" are now well documented, as are the effects these people have on their colleagues; staff turnover; the business they operate in (including impact on financial results) and so on and it strikes me that each time we discuss "bad bosses", we list a number of strategies for managing or avoiding them i.e. absent boss – get on their radar; micro manager, play to their need for minutia etc.

    As an Ambassador for the Chartered Management Institute, I think there is a far more fundemental way to negate the effects of a "bad boss" and that is to tackle this issue head on through coaching; training; mentoring and stopping the acquiescence.

    The CMI recently launched a Manifesto for a Better Managed Britain (  If you’re a manager, sign up to demonstrate your commitment to the pledges; if you’re an employer you can demonstrate similar intent through adding your support and if you’re neither, sign up to show your support for leaders and managers working today, tomorrow and in the future so they know what’s expected of them.

    I’d like to see us stop dabbling on the periphery of this issue and get right to the heart of it – management and leadership are professions that  require training; assessment and ongoing development to ensure that you remain competent to lead and manage.

    We ALL deserve good leaders and managers!

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Ana Antunes da Silva

Coach - Facilitator - Consultant

Read more from Ana Antunes da Silva