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Question and Ideas for Creativity



This topic has a slightly different format from usual, but as it's about creativity I thought that would be OK :)

To be creative we need to be able to tap into a state within us where  ideas come easily and we 'go with the flow'. Rational thinking is the enemy of creativity as it tends to make us quickly judge whether something is possible, feasible or safe and closes down our thinking. If we are to be truly creative we need to be able to suspend disbelief as long as possible. 

Getting into a creative state

To explore your creative state, why not print off this newsletter, move away from your desk and ask yourself the following questions.

  1. When did you last feel creative?
  2. What were you doing? Where were you?
  3. How did it feel? What name would you give to this creative you?
  4. If you were going to create a creative space for yourself, where would it be? What would be in it? 
  5. Who is the most creative person you know? What do they do to 'get creative'?
  6. Are you more creative when you are moving or sitting still?
  7. Do you feel more creative outside or inside?
  8. Do you need other people to spark your creativity or do you prefer to sit quietly and see what comes to you?
  9. Can you think of anything that might trigger your creative juices? Walking? Listening to music? Jumping up and down!?
  10. If you were going to turn up the volume on your creativity, what would you do?

Stimulating your creative thinking

Now that you've thought a little more about how to get yourself into a creative state why not try one or two of the following things to flex your creative juices around a particular topic/problem area. 
  1. Start writing on a piece of paper. Write whatever occurs to you. You may start with something like 'I don't know what to write...   ...I still don't know what to write...' but stick with it for ten minutes. You might be surprised where you end up.
  2. Be as Childish as you can, what would a five year old say about the situation you find yourself in? 
  3. What is the most ridiculous thing you can think of? How can you make it even more ridiculous?
  4. Explore different perspectives. How would Bill Gates, Superman, Doris Day and Peter Pan approach your topic or problem?
  5. Write down as many words as possible related to your problem or topic, don't critique them, then come up with one word that summarises them?
  6. If your topic/problem was a colour what would the colour be? What colour is the solution or idea you want?
  7. Can you think of a song title or piece of music that summarises your thinking? 
  8. Can you draw a picture to illustrate your thinking?
  9. Stand up and walk away from where you are, look at the problem/situation from a distance - what else occurs to you?
  10. Who else is involved? - what would they say if you asked them? 

Tips for Being More Creative more of the time

Creativity is a part of ourselves that needs to be nurtured and exercised - try doing a few more of these things each day and notice the difference.
  1. Keep a creative note pad - draw in it or write in it when anything (no matter how silly) occurs to you.
  2. Get enough sleep.
  3. Surround yourself with creative colours and things that make you feel good.
  4. Listen to music.
  5. Notice new things each day - look around you and see what is new or different - particularly notice things that require you to look up. Make a note of what you are noticing.
  6. Drink enough water
  7. Practice thinking differently - ask yourself 'What If?' about anything and everything - write your thoughts in your creative note pad.
  8. Exercise - it's amazing how much more creative we are when we move about - if you want to think differently walk, jog, run or swim.
  9. Try recording yourself talking and thinking out loud
  10. Be playful and childish - do silly things - make a note of what occurs to you when you do silly things.

I'd love to know if any of these questions worked for you...  ...did they?

If you'd like to read more questions to stimulate your thinking, take a look at my website

Thanks to...

Some of my Creativity ideas have been inspired by Susan Kennedy's fabulously creative books and her Planet SARK website and by the work of Michael Bungay Stanier and his Box of Crayons website. I'm delighted to be connected to these inspiring individuals though the wonders of social networking, they help to push my 'creativity buttons' and I hope my questions will encourage you to think in new and different ways.


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