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The A-Z of Coaching


Earlier in the year I wrote the A-Z of Life Lessons through Running a Marathon; which was then featured on the Business Zone and has since been read by over 600 people.

Inspired by fellow Coaches and my recent partnership on Redshift Radio with Emma from Dynamic Fitness; I'm delighted to be sharing the 2nd instalment in my A-Z series - The A-Z of Coaching.

Coaching itself is a partnership and is focused on delivering results.

If you've ever worked with a Coach then you'll understand the benefits. If you haven't, then now is your opportunity to do start considering it.

Emma and myself have written our A-Z of Coaching;

A is for Action
Actions speak louder than words and little steps take you closer to achieving your goals

B is for Belief
Beliefs are things you believe to be true. Change beliefs, change the outcome.

C is for Coach
The Coach will act as your catalyst. A great coach will build great rapport and help you to achieve great results

D is for Dedication
Dedicate yourself to doing 1 thing every day that moves you closer to your goals

E is for Encouragement
Encouragement is what you can expect from your Coach throughout your journey towards your goals

F is for Focus
Focus to keep you on track with your goals. Just having a goal doesn't make it achievable

G is for Goal
Goals are specific to you. If you don't have a Goal, how do you know what you're aiming for? Get your goals on a Goal board

H is for Happiness
After all, isn't that what we're all striving for? If something doesn't make you happy, then stop doing it

I is for Individuality
Everyone is an individual, and nobody can 'do' you as well as you. Start focusing on you and what makes you who you are

J is for Juggling
If you're juggling too many things then each of them will take up a certain amount of energy. Focus on no more than 2 or 3 things at a time

K is for Kick Start
Occasionally you'll need a Kick Start. Your Coach will help you with this until you learn to do it yourself

L is for Living
Coaching helps you to rediscover what living is all about. One life, live it

M is for Motivation
Motivation of yourself to make changes and motivation from your Coach when you need it most

N is for No failure only feedback
When you do new things for the first time you may fail. Learning from the experience and carry on

O is for Open - being Open Minded
It's important to keep your goals at the fore front of your mind and to change your approach or direction if required

P is for Plan
Every goal needs a plan if you're going to be successful. Keep the plan simple and review it regularly

Q is for Questions
Great questions like: what's working; what's not working; what's holding you back?

R is for Repitition

The Coach will guide and encourage and it may take you a few times to do something new successfully

S is for Shine

You all have the ability and opportunity ot Shine and your Coach will help you to achieve this

T is for Talk

A good Coach will let you do the talking. This is your opportunity to really open up

U is for Understanding

It's very important that you and your Coach develop a good understanding of one another

V is for Vision

A Vision is where you want to be in the future and your Goals will drive you towards your Vision

W is for Will

The Will to succeed. Be the best you can be and do the best that you can

X is for Xtra

Make a commitment and investment in yourself by going the xtra mile. You'll be amazed by the results

Y is for You

You deserve to have the life that you desire

Z is for Zest

A Coach will help you re-discover your Zest for life

There we have it; our A-Z of Coaching.

A big thank you to Emma from Dynamic Fitness and also to Jo for helping me write this blog.


Jeff & Emma

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