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Adrian Pitt

Develop-meant Training Consultants


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Acting up!



Isn't being Self Employed a little like being a "jobbing actor"? One minute you've got the starring role in "Jane Eyre 2 - The Revenge", the next, you've got a bit part in a B&Q commercial as "gardener leaning on spade".

Fortunately, for the last 12 months, I've been a Mr Rochester character (for those of you who took "O" Level English Literature!). I've been high up the pecking order, kept busy by three contracts that have paid the mortgage, served me well in my quest to be a trendsetter rather than a fashion follower (I will bring braces back in fashion, well, in Shropshire at least!) and saw me grace the shores of Pescara in Eastern Italy on two occasions and gulp down vino rosso on numerous occasions!

So, what now, Ade? Two of those three contracts come to an end on January 31st! Is this where you make a dash for it and turn into a pumpkin at the stroke of midnight? Well, if I looked at life that way, I'd be on the first bus back to "Corporate City". So, why I am not worried that I'm going to end up as an Eastender's extra, eating jumbo sausage and giving sideways glances to Ian Beale and his antics while opening and closing my mouth pretending to talk to "council gardener leaning on spade"?!

Well, the one thing I've learnt (and it's taken a while believe me!) is that Self Employment is - EXCITING! You never know where you're going to end up next and what opportunities are going to come your way. The other thing I've learnt is that, however you determine "success", it takes sheer hard work, dedication and enthusiasm. If you've got the ethos of the first and huge bags of the other two, how can you go wrong?!

Here's to 2011 and whatever it brings! I look forward to linking up with some of you in the near future so we can have a "go" at being co-stars!

Best wishes,


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