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Line manager training – has the penny finally dropped?


Interesting to read that a growing number of companies are now turning to training line managers when it comes to resolving workplace conflict – and this, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), is a trend that has been ramping up and up over the past 24 months.

The research reported that over 60% of respondents have increased training for line managers so they can handle “difficult conversations” at the workplace.

By contrast, in the past two years, just 6.9% have curbed such training.
Is this just another cost-cutting exercise, because keeping things ‘in-house’ is perceived as being far more prudent than going third party? Perhaps.

But this isn’t the main issue that has been raised here, because the real positive thrown up by the research is that organisations are clearly seeing the value in “training” line managers, instead of just throwing yet another task at them to complete.

Coming from a leadership development background, I can tell you that the middle section of the hierarchy is where an advanced and targeted leadership development programme will be most gratefully received.

In our experience the key challenges that middle management face in business today is bridging the gap between the board of directors at the top and the employees that keep the company turning at the other end. 
Holding responsibility for large teams and departments is tough, and when conflict occurs it is crucial, for the good of the entire business, that your management have the tools at hand to cope with it and hopefully prevent its escalation.

Without the right training and the right levels of understanding, managers will struggle.

James Pentreath

Leadership Consulting Partners

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