So, two days to go until Learning Technologies. To those already going, see you there (stand 112) and to those unable to attend for whatever reason, see our front page blog pane (bottom right) for an automatically
pulled together melange of tweets and posts live from the event.
Today my girlfriend and I had our 20 week scan. We conceived some time round the tail end of our trip away, and after the reasonably awkward 12 weeks of white lies and well-meaning subterfuge, it's now thankfully common knowledge, and we're looking forward to our first-born on 16 June this year. If you have any advice for first time dads, please leave a comment beneath!
After decrying the iPad as 'just a big iPhone' about a year or so ago - which in some senses I still believe it is, I am now tempted to invest in one, or a Kindle Fire. The qualifier: having started a serious technology overhaul at home, and with both of us more housebound certainly for a few months, a tablet seems like the answer for iplayer and other streaming needs, provided we can stabilise our wi-fi connection (curse you Virgin media). Developments - on all fronts - as and when they happen.