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A freelance trainer friend once said to me that the best part about her job was the buzz she got from chasing and winning business – it gave her the most incredible feeling when she secured a new client, knowing that all her efforts had been worthwhile. But she also admitted to me that once the thrill of the chase was over and she’d acheved her objective she was already mentally moving on to her next deal rather than taking the time to nurture this new relationsip.

I thought about these words today as I started to try and write someting about re-energising your training
business. It made me reflect on the dangers of focusng too much on getting new clients. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that this isn’t important, of course it is, and your business needs this to be successful year after year.

But what about the clients you already have? You already have a relationship with them. They already like
you, know and trust you. You are already half way there to your next piece of work.

So, spend some time thinking about your clients. Who are they? When did you last speak to them? What strategies do you use for continually building and maintaining a relationship with them? Do you stay in regular contact or only make an effort in your quiet times when you are not delivering training?

What 1 thing can you do today to re-ignite your client relationships?

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