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Has Your Well Run Dry


When I first set up The Trainers Training Company it was aimed very much at helping new freelance trainers set up and develop a business, training professionals who were just leaving corporate life and who wanted to go freelance but didn’t really know where to start. I have been able to help many clients this year in this position, but what has been a complete surprise to me is how many people have bought my products who have actually been in business for a few years. These people have signed up for my workshops, teleseminars and coaching sessions because their business seemed to be doing OK but now they are finding it a lot tougher to get clients than they anticipated.

If you are feeling that your well has run a bit dry start by taking a long hard look at where your business is right now and what you are doing. Ask yourself some key questions.

1. Are you relying too much on one client?
2. What percentage of high value as opposed to low value work do you have?
3. Are you trying to be all things to all people and taking anything that’s coming your way?
4. What marketing methods are you using?
5. Are you marketing consistently or are you just doing it when you don’t have any work?
6. How well do you follow up with people and keep in contact with them after you have met them?

Knowing the answers to these questions, analysing what’s working and what isn’t will give you a good starting point for putting together a plan to re-energise your training business.

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