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Bernard Chanliau

Xenergie Consulting Ltd


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The objective of this article is to promote the benefits of acquiring Team Coaching Certifications. This qualification can in turn be used to highlight the purpose and benefits of Team Coaching within organisations.

The power of a team working together to contribute more than the sum of each individual within that team is now widely recognised. The aim is for the whole to be greater than the sum of the parts.

Teams are the force that drives organisation and organisations are most successful and profitable when the teams that account for its success are all performing to the best of their abilities. The more effective the team than the greater the benefits to the company. Likewise dysfunctional teams within an organisation will lead to less productive sluggish organisations. The benefits of using team coaching are twofold. Initially, coaching accelerates team and individual learning of new processes or methodology. Then, it enables teams to solve real work problems and handle difficult situations more effectively.

The approach to Team Coaching is ever evolving and organic as companies and organisations evolve and transform to meet changing market forces. As such there is a whole spectrum of team coaching methods as highlighted in a previous team coaching blog. By definition systemic means something that affects the whole, not just parts. Systemic Team coaching methods approaches a task or situation from multiple positions or perspectives. Change one part and the system will resist. Change the whole and you have an excellent chance that change will prevail.

Leadership Team Coaching is aimed at managers whose role it is to encourage and develop a team. For example, the senior leadership team are the most important group in any organisation. Their decisions have implications for everybody else in the organisation as well as the future of the organisation itself. They set the tone.

Recent research from Henley Business School highlighted the fact that leadership team coaching is being used to improve business performance.  The survey “Coaching Teams at Work: Embryonic Yet Powerful” reveals that almost half of the organisation surveyed (45%) used both individual and team coaching with glowing endorsements of success rates achieved. The top benefit was increased employee engagement at 28%. Other benefits were an improved level of trust within the team (22%), increased profitability (19%) and more effective and innovative solutions (18%). These benefits correlate with our own case studies which you can peruse if you go to our You Tube Channel.

So what is driving the expanding popularity of team coaching in recent years?

Throughout our Systemic Team Coaching interventions we have witnessed the following observations:-

  • 1) Silo-mentality: lost productivity as functional heads work egoistically to defend their turf.
  • 2) Inability to Innovate: Organisational culture not reflective, too caught up in day to day, those who can see differently are treated as disturbances and risky…
  • 3) Quality Management: Bridging the ‘perceived’ complexity gap and ability to manage it (i.e. lean to lead adaptive change)/measures are all numerical and no measures of behaviours, competencies and cultural factors. We witness disengaged, discontented workforce – trouble with unions, employees who are incapable of responding to customer satisfaction surveys/feedback. Invariably the customer enquiry finishes at the survey.
  • 4) Sustainable Profits: Markets under threat – customer base under threat by new competition in the marketplace. Teams must be capable of tackling a business challenge.
  • 5) Market Advantage: Succession planning/attracting the right talent/underdeveloped leadership skills capable of adaptation to differing economic challenges.

Meanwhile over half the organisations surveyed by Henley did not engage team coaching for the following quoted reasons:-

  • 1) Managers hadn’t had any training in team coaching (32%)
  • 2) Managers didn’t understand the benefits of team coaching (31%)
  • 3) Managers don’t feel confident coaching their teams (25%)
  • 4) Some teams object to being coached.

For these reasons Xenergie Consulting Ltd is proud to announce a unique learning opportunity in Organisational Performance Coaching in Ireland: X-Perience Systemic Coaching Certificate ( certified and qualified the professional global coaching body ICF (International Coach Federation).

The Systemic Team Coaching Certificate offers a nine month (6 modules, 12 days, 120 hours study), practical, learning  ‘journey’ that develops you as a team member and your ability to coach teams within your organisation. This process will enhance your capability of managing change and improve your managerial skills.

This programme is ideal for internal coaches, business transformation leaders or HR capability builders who harbour ambitions to work more competently and successfully.

After all, research has proven (Ulrich HR Competency Model) that by upgrading the Capability Builder’s competency; HR professionals can positively improve business performances (5.3%), thereby earning trust through results. HR practitioner’s views suggest that in-house coaching programmes are actually the most effective and successful activities for L&D in general (CIPD 2012).

Bernard Chanliau, is a highly experienced and qualified coach for CEOs and senior managers.  He holds Professional Certified Coach status from the International Coach Federation and leads the Xenergie faculty with its X-Perience Systemic Team Coaching certificate. He can be contacted on +353 (0)86 104 38 05 or LinkedIn.

His coaching style is ideal for high performing executives who have a preference for a practical, challenging and direct coaching with high professional integrity.

One Response

  1. great free advert, dude

    Brilliant advert, no pretence that it is anything other than a pitch – quote a couple of surveys, define a problem that may or may not be real, link it to a range of issues that it may or may not be relevant to, announce that you have the answer. 


    Great sell.


    Might even work.


    Kudos for chutzpah!

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Bernard Chanliau


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