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Simon Buehring

Knowledge Train

Managing Director

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Fancy a feedback sandwich for lunch? [INFOGRAPHIC]


As a manager of any sort, giving a performance review to a team member is going to be a regular occurrence and vital for improving performance. This step-by-step fun infographic shows how using the ""sandwich method"" can ensure that your employee remains motivated, and the whole situation is a positive experience.

Obviously the best practice would be to get to know each individual member of your team and give constructive criticism using a technique that works for them. In my opinion, the sandwich technique is a great basis for the order of which feedback is given during performance reviews. When I've given performance reviews in the past, another rule I like to go by is that the manager both gives and receives a feedback sandwich and that neither party are allowed to react to the feedback given.

I’m aware that some managers may be against the sandwich method for various reasons, one being that it is plainly ‘sugar-coating’ the criticism just to soften the blow. Do you agree with the "sandwich" method? What's your best way of giving constructive criticism?

Click the image for a full version of the feedback sandwich infographic.

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Simon Buehring

Managing Director

Read more from Simon Buehring