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Monica Seeley

Mesmo Consultancy


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7th International Clean Out Your Inbox Week 20 to 24 January


Are you (and you colleagues) still suffering from chronic email overload?

Many predicted 2013 would see the death of email. Numbers tell another story certainly for business.  Email remains the number one drain on productivity and a bulging inbox remains one of the top ten stressors. Little wonder some declare email bankruptcy.  How can you improve your use of email and hence the bottom line for you and your organisation?

Join us for the 7th International Clean Out Your Inbox Week.  This year's event is hosted by the infamous e-babes (myself and Marsha Egan from the USA) and Steuart Snooks - Australia's email tiger. It promises to be even more exciting than last year, with input from other leading international productivity and time management experts such as Paul Lancaster (UK) Nathan Zeldes (USA), Julie Perrin (USA) and Robyn Pearce (New Zealand).

Click here for more information and the plan for the week and how to join up.

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Monica Seeley


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