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Let the Story Emerge


Let the story emerge
I had an interesting and challenging experience last week which I’ve found myself reflecting on over the weekend.

It wasn’t unusual for me to be seated in front of a HR Director to discuss talent management and leadership. What was unusual was the honest (and surprising) voice I heard from across the table. It became clear very quickly that he wasn’t sure why he was there and certainly didn’t have a need for me to be.

In this moment I could have reacted in a number of ways and am sure in the past have done so….
 ….Embarrassment could have put me into the place of child as I planned  a quick exit.
….Belief in what he was saying could have put me into the place of self doubt and opened up a vulnerable side I would normally save for my mother.
….Opportunism could have put me into the place of salesperson and a keenness to find a solution in his malaise.
I chose none of these as instead became naturally curious. I wondered  what was his story?  What was mine that had allowed our paths to cross right now?

I said very little. As I listened he talked and, talked some more. His story unravelled and I let it, he walked me through the characters as the overall plot was revealed.  I carefully probed for more details and heard the ripple of some sub-plots; there were of course some villains sticking to their script, a good guy who I hypothesise is soon to become hero and some people who seemed to be simple bystanders. As he looked to the future of the story we both began to see space for more dialogue between us and so some possibilities emerged.

What was the power of the story here?
What will be our part in the next chapter?
Storytelling. Simple and marvellous. Particularly when it’s natural.

If you would like to find out more about Storytelling please follow this link

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