See what you think of this – put it to use in training courses dealing with equality/diversity/communication/self awareness/assertiveness/cultural awareness etc etc, and some technical courses like employment lawmock tribunals etc. We have used it to good effect – and on ourselves.It can generate a minefield and is challenging for any group. The question very simply is:-
Why do we see what isn’t there?
I would be really interested to learn the results of your application of the question in a training course.Or answer it now lol…..why do we see what isn’t there?
See what you think of this - put it to use in training courses dealing with equality/diversity/communication/self awareness/assertiveness/cultural awareness etc etc, and some technical courses like employment lawmock tribunals etc. We have used it to good effect - and on ourselves.It can generate a minefield and is challenging for any group. The question very simply is:-
Why do we see what isn't there?
I would be really interested to learn the results of your application of the question in a training course.Or answer it now lol.....why do we see what isn't there?
4 Responses
ah, but……
….how do YOU know it isn’t there?
"I see dead people"………maybe you don’t….
I see an opportunity, you see a threat
My perception is my reality….but it may not be yours.
Yes, it is a potentially fascinating philosophical question to use to kick off a discussion
Precisely – you are quite right.It takes some participants off on a "floric of their own" but certainly drills down into specific issues/approaches/perceptions of the cohort and/or training subject in focus!
QED Training
Alice?? Who the…is Alice?
Ask Alice …
Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isn’t.
And contrary-wise – what it is, it wouldn’t be.
And what it wouldn’t be, it would.
You see?
Lewis Carroll
It is often said
-that Alice in Wland, the works of Shakespeare and perhaps the Bible(or similar for other faiths) really does equip you for life and human nature
QED Training