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A Round-Up of Training News


UK Leads on Lifelong Learning

The UK leads the way in life long learning, says a new survey. The second Adecco Institute 'Demographic Fitness' Survey says that UK companies offer more learning tools to their employees than their European counterparts. UK employees are - on average - offered around 5.8 of the 8 main learning tools identified by the Adecco Institute. Businesses here are particularly adept at offering workplace-based training initiatives (96%) and technical skills training (86%). The survey is based upon a sample of 2,506 interviews with companies of all sizes in the five major European economies - Germany, France, the UK, Italy, and Spain.

Speakers Galore at HRD Conference and Exhibition

The 2008 HRD conference and exhibition will take place between 15-17 April , at ExCeL, London, alongside the 12th World HR Congress on 14 April

The event will combine a thorough look at some of the key issues in learning and development, leadership, organisational development and talent management with a focus on the international challenges facing L&D professionals.

This year the CIPD will also host the biennial World HR Congress on behalf of the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations on 14 April, which will tackle the key global people management and development challenges that will shape the 21st century.

The programme will reflect the day to day and strategic challenges facing L&D professionals, alongside a focus on the specific issues associated with the increasingly globalised economy. The conference includes UK and international case studies, interactive workshops and debates and will boast over 100 speakers. For further information go to

Tulpa Wins Top Coaching Award

Katherine Tulpa, chair of the Association for Coaching, has been voted the coaching/mentoring person of 2007 by readers of Coaching at Work. She shares the award with Anthony Grant, the director of the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney, who is also an Honorary VP of the Association. The association is one of the largest coaching bodies in Europe, with more than 1,900 members worldwide

Coaching a Business Essential

Business now sees coaching as an essential part of training and talent management programmes - with real commercial benefits.

Recent research undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers for the International Coaching Federation found that the approximate annual worldwide revenue produced by coaching was $1.5 billion.

Speaking on the eve of International Coaching week, which starts today, Helen Caton of coaching organisation the Forton Group, said "Coaching and cosmetic surgery have something in common. They give a huge boost but people don’t always like to admit to using them."

But that’s changing: "Coaching is now a valued professional service," she says. "And while our clients don’t publish figures outside their business, they view coaching as an essential part of their training and talent management programmes, from which they see actual commercial benefits."
"Leadership is an acquired skill and coaching can provide the key to nurturing the next generation of leaders. But inspiration alone isn’t enough. For talented people, the support of a great coach will significantly accelerate their growth into leadership."

Do More for Older Workers, says Report

Employers need to do more to tempt, engage and retain older workers says a new research report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)

The research, carried out on behalf of the CIPD by Cranfield School of Management, examines what employers are doing to ensure they properly reward and recognise the contribution made by older workers. It shows that organisations need to look at both financial and non-financial rewards and consider whether they are attractive to older workers.

It also says employers need to take another look at training. Charles Cotton, CIPD Reward and Employment Conditions Adviser said: "These workers still wish to make a significant contribution to the business, have a great deal to offer and may want to learn new skills in order to do this."

Managing an Ageing Workforce: The Role of Total Rewards will be launched at this year's CIPD Annual Reward Management conference.

Lammy Opens Nuclear Academy

Skills Minister David Lammy, and Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks have opened the National Skills Academy for the Nuclear Industry. It is the sixth operating National Skills Academy and joins Construction, Manufacturing, Food & Drink Manufacturing, Financial Services and Process Industries.

CIPD Conference to Help Organisations Manage Talent

The Talent Management Conference will be held in London on 26 February at Victoria Park Plaza. Speakers include Tim Miller, director of People Property and Assurance at Standard Chartered Bank; Mark Roberts, head of Talent, Tesco; and Elizabeth Crosse, HR consultant, Legal Services Commission. The event will also include open question time and networking opportunities with representatives from other organisations including; Cambridgeshire County Council, Deloitte, American Express and Siemens.

Sales Training Gets Serious

The Chartered Institute of Marketing has launched an updated portfolio of sales training courses and qualifications.
For further information email

TUC Calls for Pay Increase for Apprenticeships

The government should increase the minimum pay rate for apprentices to improve the quality of training and tackle apprenticeship dropout rates, says a new TUC report out today (Saturday).

The TUC report, 'Decent Pay for Apprentices', says that apprenticeships are a good route into work for young people, but the quality of courses can vary. It says that some apprentices receive low pay and inadequate training, which in turn leads to poor completion rates. Some apprentices are being paid as little as £1.54 an hour, with low pay particularly affecting female apprentices, who on average are paid 26% less than male apprentices.

To read the reaction of organisations within the training community to government plans to double apprenticeships by 2020 click here.