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Marc Powell

Emailogic Limited

Managing Director

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A world without email


Imagine that email did not exist.

You could only use the telephone, letters or have face to face conversations to communicate with customers, suppliers or colleagues.

Then somebody offers you a new way of communicating – email.

“It is fantastic”  they say, “You can send messages and documents to anyone anywhere in the world at the touch of a button. It is fast and really easy to use. And…….. it is free!”

But then they add that by using this new technology you will also:

1. Be copied in on back covering emails and ‘copy in the boss’ emails

2. Waste time dealing with mountains of unnecessary copies of emails that you didn’t need and didn’t want

3. Become obsessed with checking emails in the office, at home, on the train - even in the loo!

4. Read study after study showing that email causes significant amounts of stress

5. Receive vague messages that caused more work than they saved

Would you still want to introduce email? You probably would - but you would insist that everyone received training on how to use it effectively BEFORE it got out of hand?

Well - Emailogic have been providing that training for more than 15 years.

Proven measurements show that after attending Emailogic training, email users:

  • Save an average of 31 minutes per day
  • Cut inboxes by 40%
  • Reduce unnecessary emails by 25%

In addition they use the phone more, have more face to face communication and experience less stress.

Be honest –  everyone has had enough of unnecessary emails that waste time and drain productivity.

What do you think the results will be when you offer staff the training now that they should have received before email was introduced?

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Marc Powell

Managing Director

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