I have stolen an idea i saw on here a few months ago and as an ice-breaker for a customer service course i am asking the delegates to compile an a-z of good/ bad customer service. But i am struggling to fill all the letters myself. Any suggestions welcome.
Vivienne Robinson
Vivienne Robinson
One Response
Here’s my suggestion
Off the top of my head, how about:
A = attitude
B = benefits (WIIFM to improve customer service)
C = consistent
D = Deal with it yourself
E = Expectations (ie customer expectations)
F = Friendly
G = Go the extra mile
H = Helpful
I = Interested (in the customer)
J = Job (customers are our jobs, not an interruption)
K = Keen to help
L = Learn from mistakes and from our customers
M = Mean what you say
N = Negative language (avoid at all costs)
O = Opportunity
P = Polite
Q = Quick …
R = … Response times
S = Suggestions (ask the customer what they want to Solve the problem)
T = Training
U = Unique (every customer is)
V = Value
W = Wants vs Needs
X = Excellence
Y = You (what do YOU want as a customer)
Z = Zealous
Most are self explanatory, but do email me if I can help any further. I had a thought that for Z you could suggest “Zabaglione – a difficult to make Italian desert – nothing to do with customer service, but I love it” or something just to make people laugh.
Good luck and hope this helps.
Jenny James