I am developing some in-house training for managers on absence management. Does anyone have any good roleplays for return to work interviews?
sharon cordy

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I am developing some in-house training for managers on absence management. Does anyone have any good roleplays for return to work interviews?
sharon cordy
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23 Responses
Hope this helps …
Hi Sharon, some scenarios for you:
– an interview between male and female where the female has difficult female issues she doesn’t want to discuss with a man but has no alternative
– the Friday/Monday absence scenario
– the I’m entitled to x number of sick days per year so I’m going to take them scenario
– the I take one days’ sickness immediately after I come back from holiday scenario
– the I couldn’t be bothered to get up for work scenario
– the I go drinking on a Sunday night and can’t get up on a Monday morning scenario
Incidentally I did come across the last one where an employee regularly called in sick on Mondays owing to a hangover. The problem faced by the manager was that the employee had been raised by a father who had done this regularly throught his working life so the poor lad had a very poor example set during his upbringing. Tough one that … Hope some of this helps. 🙂
Absence Case Studies
Hello Sharon
I have 8 case studies I have produced which have been used for role plays, discussion or post course validation. Each has an employee and line manager perspective, and picks up on different aspects, eg long term/short term, hangovers, stress, childcare. Happy to send if you can provide your details.
Don’t forget the DDA!
I’m sure you already plan to cover this frought area, but you might want to refer participants to the EHRC website for guidance on managing disability-related absence.
The following extract may be helpful:
How do we record sickness absence related to a disability?
It is important that all employee sickness absence records differentiate between disability and non-disability-related absences. Whilst the Act does not
require any employer to retain a disabled person indefinitely if they are constantly absent, there will be occasions where it might be considered reasonable
to discount absences related to the disability.
For example, a policy that states that employees will only receive a bonus if they are not absent for more than a set number of days is likely to be discriminatory
against a disabled employee who needs regular but planned time off for treatment. By discounting the absences related to the disability, such discrimination
could be avoided. This can only be done if accurate records are maintained.
In particular, it may be necessary to consider discounting all or some disability-related absences for the following:
• disciplinary procedures
• performance appraisals, especially when linked to bonuses, ongoing professional development and pay rises
• references – a high level of sickness absence in the past may not be any indicator of future attendance
• selection criteria for promotion
• selection criteria for redundancy.
The employee may be reluctant to disclose the real reason for a period of absence that was disability-related. However, asking on each occasion why an employee
was off sick gives the employee an opportunity to disclose any disability and discuss any adjustments that might be needed. It is important to be aware
that many employees will not use the word ‘disabled’ or consider themselves to have a disability. However, the person may still require a reasonable adjustment
and meet the definition of disability contained in the Act. If it later becomes apparent that previous absences were actually disability-related, existing
records will need to be amended to reflect this.
for nicola
please send me the roleplays you kindly offered. my e-mail is sharondawn123@hotmail.co.uk
Many thanks to everyone else for your suggestions.
For Nicola
I would also like them if that is OK. jkevan@its.jnj.com
Absence Management
If I’m not too late, I would also appreciate a copy of the role plays offered by Nicola, and/or any other ideas to make absence management training interesting for managers.
Hello Jacqui
Happy to send on if you can povide your email details.
absence management
Thanks Nicola. Please send to rutsnuts@yahoo.co.uk.
Re- Absence Management
Hi Nicola,
Please may I have a copy of the roleplay too. Please send it to my email address as follows.
Many thanks,
Role Play
Hi Nicola,
If you don’t mind I would like a copy of the role play too. Could you send to janine-watkins@lineone.net
Kind Regards
Absence Role Plays
Hi, I wonder if anyone has any role plays for Absence Management if so I would be really grateful.
many thanks
Return to work scenarios
Hi Nicola
Would it be possible to send me a copy please to rob.mcphun@psyton.co.uk. If used I will update you with findings and issues to consider in the future. regards. ob
Role plays
Hi Nicola
Would you mind sending me a copy of your role plays please to tintedblue@hotmail.com.
Role Plays? Me too!
I am almost to embarrassed to ask this, given the time frame and the amount of similar request, but could I have the role plays too Nicola? Many thanks! Gillian gillian.ward@wokingham.gov.uk
Nicola Request Even later
Hi Nicola I am even cheekier could I have a copy of your case studies please, e mail ian@turningtides.org.uk
Much appreciated thank you
Me too!
Would it be possible for me to get a copy of your role plays too?
role – plays
would it be possible to send me your absence mgt role plays as well?
Absence Management Role Plays
Hi Nicola,
I’m in the process of putting together an Absence Management course for Team Leaders and Managers so would be really
grateful for your scenarios/role plays. My e-mail is lesleyannemccall@btinternet.com
Many thanks,
Another copy please
Hi there,
Please may I have a copy of the role-plays?
Kind regards
Case Studies – Long Shot
Hi I appreciate you posted this quite a long time ago but I thought I would try my luck. I am trying to do my management report on Absence Management and as part of the work side of the objective I need to develop some absence management training I would really appreciate a copy of your case studies and anything else you might have that is useful on absence management as I am really struggling to get my dissertation writteb!!
My e-mail is louisewhitley11@yahoo.co.uk
Many Thanks
Role plays
Hi Nicola
If you still have the role plays available I would really appreciate copies of them. I am currently designing a sick absence managment module.
Please let me know if still valid & I’ll send you my email address.
Kind regards
absence management scenarious
Hi Nicola
I’m designing an absence management workshop. I would be very grategul if you can send me your absence management scenarios. My email address is: maggie_vydrova@hotmail.com
Thank you very much for your help
sickness absence training scenarios
Hi Nicola
I know you started offering copies of your scenarios a while ago, are you and they still available please? my cvontact email is: elaine.milis@pch-cic.nhs.uk
Many thanks