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Does anyone belong to a company who accredits their staff on every aspect of the core work requirements? If so , would you be prepared to share best practice techniques on how to run the process and how you capture the results.
Tracy Dixon

One Response

  1. Accreditaion help
    Hi Tracey,

    Hope this helps in some way.

    I think in the first instance it is importatnt to identify what the core work requirements are for a specifc role. From this you can then build an accredidation system by breaking down the elements into managable programmes. A very simplistic Telesales accreditation programme may have the following elements.
    1. Understanding the sales process.
    2. How we communicate with others.
    3. Questioning and coversation techniques.
    4. Handling obejections.
    5. Closing the sale.

    For each of these elements you would need to set easily managable and monitorable parameters to accredit against. You will need the person to demonstrate understanding and skill levels within each element.

    It is important to have a clear understanding of what measurable elements go into making an accrediation. Also how you will monitor and assess performance against those elements.

    A good idea would be to run a development and mentor scheme where you constantly monitor performance. In my experience having mentors to coach and develop as well as monitor performance is a great help.

    Capturing results is really down to setting benchmarks within the accrediation elements. Depending on the size of your work force, you will need the reasources to be able to monitor performance against the set criteria. Also it depands how you monitor performance. Will it be written, verbal, role play, actions, projects, assessment days. Having a clear vision and set criteria will help in capturing results. example: In order to gain accreditation in a certian field the person would need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject through producing a buisness plan or 5 hrs of role play, or what ever.