I’ve been asked to put together an accreditation programme that would certify outside contractors to provide consultancy to clients on the products that my company produces.
Has anyone had any experience of this?
belinda price
Has anyone had any experience of this?
belinda price
2 Responses
External contractors
I am assuming here that your contractors will have to go through some form of training to be able to give advice and it is the training you wish to accredit to certify the contractors?
If that is the case then try ISM as they might be able to accredit a training programme that you design.
A word of caution though and forgiveness if you have already covered it, do take care on offering ‘consultancy’ on your own products. I am sure you have professional negligence cover and employees/public liability insurance but check it covers those working as ‘consultants’ in the sense of the word as you are using it here. The legal ramifications of others consulting on your behalf need to be condsidered carefully. Please do go into the commercial insurance aspect and also employment law perspective before these services are offered to the public.
Good Luck
Training By Design Global Ltd
0870 241 3998
Accreditation of contractors
As a contractor I have on many contracts been requested to take an internal form of testing, either products, company proceedures etc.
There are many levels that you could achieve this accreditation, I have many examples and am willing to share my experiences with you, please email me.