1. I would like to prepare a charter for adult educators/facilitators or trainers.
10-12 good characteristics or things they should follow to assist adult learners in theie learning.
2. What helps and hinders adult learning?
useful areas to visit willalso help a lot.
3. Contextual factors that will encourage any trainer to follow a study course or qualification.
10-12 good characteristics or things they should follow to assist adult learners in theie learning.
2. What helps and hinders adult learning?
useful areas to visit willalso help a lot.
3. Contextual factors that will encourage any trainer to follow a study course or qualification.
2 Responses
Adult teaching and learning
Percy, regarding 1 & 2, a search on the internet will lead you to lots of sites which have this type of information. Regarding a checklist, the following may be useful:
Welcome, register, comfort, health & safety
How this session links with other sessions
Introduce the session
Make the aims clear to students
Establish students existing knowledge
Establish what students want to achieve
Move clearly from stage to stage
Emphasise key points
Summarise each section
Maintain an appropriate pace
Encourage discussion
Encourage students active participation
Capture students’ interest
Maintain students’ interest
Handle problems of inattention
Ask questions to check understanding
Handle students questions and responses
Direct student tasks
Cope with the range of ability
Monitor student activity
Use aids to maximise visual communication
Make contact with all class members
Cope with individual difficulties
Keep the material relevant
Use appropriate voice and body movements
Check on student learning
Build up student confidence
Convey your enthusiasm
Provide a model of good practice
Conclusion and summary
Evaluate – did they like it?
Evaluate – did they learn it?
Evaluate – what are they going to do differently back at work?
Reflection – what did you learn, how will it be different/better next time?
A charter blueprint
Hello again Percy,
Good/essential qualities every adult educator should follow.
1. Do a in depth analysis of what works for your students. Talk to them inlcude them in the process.
2. Act on their responses.
3. Check they see the relevance in the area of training they are participating in.
4. Always corelate the training to personal as well as organisational gain.
5. Work in small groups and encourage all questions.
6. The purpose of the training is the quality of the experience for the student. Remember this at all times.
7.Keep complex esssions short( no more than 15 minutes in duration) switch these with accessible areas to kee
up up the dynamics of training sessions.
What causes adults to switch off?
Being humiliated or laughed at for questioning an area in front of others.
Also not seeing the relevance of the area causes problems.
Subject being taught by an incompent or inexpereinced trainer.
Please provide further info on tyour lst query as I am not clear what you require here.
Best Wishes
Sue McGaughran
Training By Design Global Ltd