My friend recently took over a company that provides support services to the elderly. They are now in a position to recruit, but prefer (although not exclusively) to employ those who are more mature in years. They asked me how they can state this in an advert and be within the law. I am an L&D specialist, so my employment law is pretty rusty. However, I know that B&Q have adopted this policy with success. Can anyone provide advice please?
Sheridan Webb

4 Responses
lateral thinking
instead of stating it in the advert why not advertise only where the target audience is likely to look?
Saves the problem and might even save some money!
Rus Slater
Older employees
I would recommend that the company undertake equal opportunities monitoring. If they are under-represented with older workers they can state this in the advert as well as saying that applicants in the older age group would be welcomed because of this fact. The recruitment is then done legally. This should encourage more older applicants. At interview however it should be the best person for the job whatever their age.
Sandra Beale
Just state it
Until the age discrimination laws come into place you can advertise perfectly legally for the more mature candidate. The law comes into effect October 2006 so until then don’t worry about it.
After that though you’ll need to review your procedures and ensure that they are not ageist. Which is a good thing.
Maturity is not necessarily a result of Chronological Factor(CF)*. However, you could phrase your advert more imaginatively…
For example, take a line from a song circa that average CF* and drawn in your target employee that way. Or an experience that might trigger shared memories.
Use words like empathy and considerate… which of course are not CF-related either but might streamline out some timewasters.
Cheers Euphrosene
I seem to be on a mission to avoid using the word ‘age’ if I can possibly help it!