Has anyone any experience of setting up an online business mentoring service.
How do you attract traditional mentors to use "virtual" meetings?
What technology options have others considered, we are looking at using the new broadband netwoks being set up at schools to encourage local businesses and mentors to visist schools and utiliise their technology?
We are looking to develop a Business Mentoring Online Conferencing system so that both the Mentor and the Client can meet in an independent "virtual environment" which will allow a wide range of benefits to be realized by both parties while maintaining the individual confidentiality of the face to face meetings.
2 Responses
someone to contact…
I haven’t got experience of setting up that kind of service, but…
I know a man who does…
I’d be interested in being involved!
In the meantime, try John Agno at info@CoachedtoSuccess.com – h’s set up a coaching business on-line.
I Too
I’m afraid I don’t know a man who does, but I too would be interest in getting involved. I’ve recently been doing some remote coachiong/mentoring in the Project Management and IT area. Throughly enjoyed it, but it becomes a bit of a pain sending mails too and fro sometimes.
Have tried MSN Chat type approach, once again that had drawbacks too.
But it all sounds like a good idea. Drop me a mail if you want to discuss more.