I've been asked to source training for staff who will take on the role of investigating officer, i.e. dealing with the investigation stage of grievances and disciplinaries. They will have support from HR, but will be expected to lead the investigation process. Does anyone have experience of this and can you recommend any providers?
We are likely to have about 12 or so people taking on this role.
Howard Platt
4 Responses
We tried two approaches. We used all the analogous internal reference points in our disciplinary/grievance procedures coupled with best practice from arrangements for both recruitment/selection and performance assessment.The plus side was that we got joined up thinking but it took so long
wITH 12 PEOPLE though,you may find it is suitable
Secondly,we found a very good trainer who locked into the foregoing but brought his own skills/background as a casework investigation officer. Result but a scenic way around the issue for us
Would be happy to help
Hi Howard
I have recently developed a course for managers in a county council who will be the initial investigating officers of complaints received. I would be happy to chat to you about this project. Do email me with your number and I will call you.
A good provider
Not sure if you have already got this sorted….but just in case you haven’t….. we used a great provider last year to help develop these skills in our retail teams.
They were called TRAINING FOR SUCCESS LIMITED.Contact details- 01344411138 ( ask for rob)or wwww.training-for-success.ltd.uk
Hope this helps
Try http://www.fulcrumtrainingservices.com who specialise in investigat
I suggest you contact Clive Pearman, the director of Fulcrum Training Services Ltd, who specialise in the type of training you are looking for. His company have experience in all business sectors, providing a comprehensive service which extends from policy formulation through to the training and subsequent support of investigating officers. Fulcrum focuses on employment, grievance and discipline aspects in particular. Website: http://www.fulcrumtrainingservices.com or tel: 01732-864808