I hold the certificate in Training Practice with the CIPD, but would like to go on to the Diploma level next.
However I’m having problems finding a course out there that is based on Learning and Development.
Any suggestions????
Darren Toms
However I'm having problems finding a course out there that is based on Learning and Development.
Any suggestions????
Darren Toms
2 Responses
Training Qualifications
Hi Darren
Check out the University of Liecester (Centre for Labour Market Studies). They run a series of distance learning courses, up to MSc level, in HRM and training. http://www.clms.le.ac.uk
Phil Wheeliker
ITOL Diploma
You might find that the ITOL Diploma in Training and Occupational Learning meets your needs. Further information is available on the ITOL website at http://www.traininginstitute.co.uk