I’ve recently taken over as Training Manager for a service centre of @125 people.
We want to look at gaining some sort of recognition and accreditation for our development programme.
I’ve started to compile some information on IiP and have taken a look around the ICS website. Does anyone out there know of any other bodies I ought to be approaching?
David Atherton
We want to look at gaining some sort of recognition and accreditation for our development programme.
I've started to compile some information on IiP and have taken a look around the ICS website. Does anyone out there know of any other bodies I ought to be approaching?
David Atherton
3 Responses
Hi David,
If you consider yourself to be a call centre (I am not sure if you do) then might be worth while having a look at the Call Centre Association. They will assist you even if you are not a call centre but obviously that is their main business.
Alternative accreditation
I have found that accrediting my in-house management development programmes for the ‘Aspire’ and ‘Insignia’ awards via the Institute of Leadership and Management has been very successful. The ILM people at Lichfield are very professional and also nice to work with.
Andy Taurins
Taurins Taylor Associates
I would echo the advice from Andy Taurins. ILM is a national recognised body for supervisory and management development. It is a merger organisation comprising what was formerly NEBS and ISM and has the underpinning of City and Guilds. Someone at ILM should be able to advise you on the best way forward for you. This may be to seek certification for you in house programme or it might be better to modify your programme to meet the requirements of one of there existing qualifications.
Terry Westwood