Want to find out more about elearning? Here's our handy A-Z of global elearning membership organisations.
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
tel: + 1.800.628.2783 or + 1.703.683.8100
fax: + 1.703.683.1523
Web: www.astd.org
email: customercare@astd.org
The ASTD is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in more than 130 US chapters and with more than 30 international partners. Members work in thousands of organisations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.
Association for Learning Technology (ALT)
ALT Administration, Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK
tel: +44 (0)1865 484125
fax: +44 (0)1865 484165;
Chief executive: Seb Schmoller (Tel: +44 (0)114 2586899;Email: seb.schmoller@alt.ac.uk)
Chief executive: Seb Schmoller (Tel: +44 (0)114 2586899;Email: seb.schmoller@alt.ac.uk)
email: admin@alt.ac.uk
web www.alt.ac.uk
ALT is a professional and scholarly association which seeks to bring together all those with an interest in the use of learning technology. It has over 200 organisations and over 500 individuals in membership.
ALT is a professional and scholarly association which seeks to bring together all those with an interest in the use of learning technology. It has over 200 organisations and over 500 individuals in membership.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework
GPO Box 1326, Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia
tel: +61 7 3307 4700
fax: +61 7 3259 4371;
web Contacts: vary with state – see website.
The Australian Flexible Learning Framework is Australia’s national training system's elearning strategy. It offers elearning news and developments, as well as links to its products, resources and support networks.
Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies (CALT)
CALT – The Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies, INSEAD -Bd de Constance -F-77305, Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Contact:Susan Almstead-Treffel
tel: 00 33 1 6072 4004
web: www.calt.insead.edu/
INSEAD's Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies (CALT) was officially launched in the 1995/96 academic year with the aim of: (i) studying new media and technologies in order to better understand their specific impact on management theory, practice, and on management and organisational learning; (ii) stimulating research, experimentation and innovative developments in the emerging fields identified in the CALT Research Agenda.
Community Dimensions of Learning Object Repositories (CD-LOR)
Contact via: http://academy.gcal.ac.uk/cd-lor/
The (CD-LOR) project aims to identify and analyse the factors that influence practical uptake and implementation of learning object (LO) repositories within a range of different learning communities.
Computer Education Managers Association (CEdMA)
CEdMA (Computer Education Managers Association) is the premier organization for training executives, training managers, and training professionals on a management path within technology companies.
e-Learning Centre
eLearning Centre, The Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, Albion House, Savile Street, Sheffield, S4 7UD, UK
tel: +44 (0)114 201 8892
e-Learning Centre, is managed by Learning Light Ltd, a non-profit organisation based in Sheffield.
eLearning Forum (eLF)
The eLearning Forum is a non-commercial, global community of people who make decisions at the intersection of learning, technology, business, and design. Founded in 1999 as the Silicon Valley eLearning Network, eLearning Forum has gained a reputation as the thought leader on eLearning trends, best practices, and advice on the industry. Members of our community of practice include corporate chief learning officers, eLearning marketing executives, investment analysts, researchers and developers.
eLearning Guild
375 E Street, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, USA
tel: +1.707.566.8990
tel: +1.707.566.8990
fax: + 1.707.566.8963
email: service@eLearningGuild.net
web: www.eLearningGuild.net
Contacts: Heidi Fisk; Bill Brandon; Tim Martin; Holly Creel
Contacts: Heidi Fisk; Bill Brandon; Tim Martin; Holly Creel
The eLearning Guild is a member-driven online information center and Community of Practice where anyone involved in the design, development, and management of web-based educational or instructional content (e-Learning) can identify and access resources needed to ensure that their organizations' projects are successful, engage in a professional peer network, and focus on expanding their own professional skills, knowledge, and expertise.
eLearning Network (eLN)
c/o Thrift Cottage, Common Road, HADLOW, TN11 0JE, UK
tel: +44 (0)1732 850650
email: info@elearningnetwork.org
Chair: Clive Shepherd (tel +44 (0)1273 561714; email clives@fastrak-consulting.co.uk) Administrator: Pat Straughan.
The eLN is a non-profit organisation run by the elearning community for the elearning community. The eLN is the number one source for guidance on best practice and future trends in technology-based learning and development at work, with more than 1,500 members in the UK and beyond.
Energy Industry CBT Alliance (EICA)
The Energy Industry CBT Alliance (EICA) is the USA’s largest consortium of energy companies that use technology-based training.
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
Head office: Cedefop – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Europe 123, Pylea, Thessaloniki Postal address: PO Box 22427, Finikas, GR – 55102, Thessaloniki
tel: +30 2310 49 01 11 fax: +30 2310 49 00 49
Cedefop Brussels Office: c/o European Commission, DG Education and Culture
Tour Madou, 4th floor, office 67, B-1049 Brussels
tel: +32 2 2991093
tel: +32 2 2991093
fax: +32 2 2921891
Cedefop – the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, established in 1975, is a European agency that helps promote and develop vocational education and training in the European Union (EU). It is the EU's reference centre for vocational education and training. Originally based in Berlin, in 1995 Cedefop's head office was transferred to Thessaloniki. Cedefop has a liaison office in Brussels.
'Cedefop' is the French acronym of the organisation's official title, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Centre Européen pour le Développement de la Formation Professionnelle).
European Institute for E-Learning (EifFEL)
1 rue Neuve, F-89210 Champlost, France
tel: +33 3 8643 1343
fax: +33 3 8643 1778
web: www.eife-l.org/
Chief Executive: Serge Ravet
EIfEL (European Institute for E-Learning) is an independent, not-for-profit European professional association whose mission is to support organisations, communities and individuals in building a knowledge economy and a learning society through innovative and reflective practice, continuing professional development and the use of knowledge, information and learning technologies. EIfEL is leading the Europortfolio consortium and is a founding member of EFQUEL, the European Foundation for Quality in ELearning.
European Learning Industry Group (ELIG)
c/o Richard Straub, 63, rue Rambuteau, 75 004 Paris – France
tel & fax: +33 1 4028 0947
tel & fax: +33 1 4028 0947
email: straubr@fr.ibm.com
web: http://www.elig.org/
Secretary General: Richard Straub; Programme Director: Matty Smith
ELIG is an open industry group with members representing the ecosystem for 21st century learning solutions. ELIG seeks to promote innovation in learning, knowledge creation and dissemination throughout Europe.
Institute of IT Training (IITT)
Westwood House, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, CV4 8HS, UK
tel: +44 (0)845 0068858
tel: +44 (0)845 0068858
fax: +44 (0)845 0068871
email: info@iitt.org.uk
Chief Exceutive: Colin Steed
The Institute of IT Training is the world's first professional body for IT training professionals. It was established in 1995 and is now established as the leading authority throughout the UK and Europe on IT training and development.
International Association for Distance Learning
Coborn House, 3 Coborn Road, Docklands, London E3 2DA, UK
Tel:+44 (0)7005 802 906
fax: +44 (0)7005 961 906
email: administration@iadl.org.uk
The International Association for Distance Learning promotes excellence in open, distance, and online learning worldwide, and provides a benchmark through which global consumers can gauge the quality of courses offered by our membership. The IADL is an independent, non-profit organisation with its principal administrative offices in the UK.
University of Bristol, 3rd Floor, Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU, UK
tel: +44 (0) 117 33 10789
fax: +44 (0) 117 33 10667
email: info@jisc.ac.uk
web: www.jisc.ac.uk/
JISC's activities support education and research by promoting innovation in new technologies and by the central support of ICT services.
Learning Resources Network (LERN)
LERN, PO Box 9, River Falls, WI 54022, USA
Tel +1 800 678 5376
email info@lern.org
web: www.lern.org/
The Learning Resources Network (LERN) is an international association of lifelong learning programming, offering information and resources to providers of lifelong learning programs.
This guide was written and compiled by Bob Little. For over 20 years, Bob Little has specialised in writing about, and commentating on, corporate learning – especially elearning – and technology-related subjects. His work has been published in the UK, Continental Europe, the USA, Singapore and Australia. You can read his blog here.
Want to find out more about elearning? Here's our handy A-Z of global elearning membership organisations.
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
tel: + 1.800.628.2783 or + 1.703.683.8100
fax: + 1.703.683.1523
Web: www.astd.org
email: customercare@astd.org
The ASTD is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in more than 130 US chapters and with more than 30 international partners. Members work in thousands of organisations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.
Association for Learning Technology (ALT)
ALT Administration, Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK
tel: +44 (0)1865 484125
fax: +44 (0)1865 484165;
Chief executive: Seb Schmoller (Tel: +44 (0)114 2586899;Email: seb.schmoller@alt.ac.uk)
Chief executive: Seb Schmoller (Tel: +44 (0)114 2586899;Email: seb.schmoller@alt.ac.uk)
email: admin@alt.ac.uk
web www.alt.ac.uk
ALT is a professional and scholarly association which seeks to bring together all those with an interest in the use of learning technology. It has over 200 organisations and over 500 individuals in membership.
ALT is a professional and scholarly association which seeks to bring together all those with an interest in the use of learning technology. It has over 200 organisations and over 500 individuals in membership.
Australian Flexible Learning Framework
GPO Box 1326, Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia
tel: +61 7 3307 4700
fax: +61 7 3259 4371;
web Contacts: vary with state – see website.
The Australian Flexible Learning Framework is Australia’s national training system's elearning strategy. It offers elearning news and developments, as well as links to its products, resources and support networks.
Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies (CALT)
CALT - The Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies, INSEAD -Bd de Constance -F-77305, Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Contact:Susan Almstead-Treffel
tel: 00 33 1 6072 4004
web: www.calt.insead.edu/
INSEAD's Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies (CALT) was officially launched in the 1995/96 academic year with the aim of: (i) studying new media and technologies in order to better understand their specific impact on management theory, practice, and on management and organisational learning; (ii) stimulating research, experimentation and innovative developments in the emerging fields identified in the CALT Research Agenda.
Community Dimensions of Learning Object Repositories (CD-LOR)
Contact via: http://academy.gcal.ac.uk/cd-lor/
The (CD-LOR) project aims to identify and analyse the factors that influence practical uptake and implementation of learning object (LO) repositories within a range of different learning communities.
Computer Education Managers Association (CEdMA)
CEdMA (Computer Education Managers Association) is the premier organization for training executives, training managers, and training professionals on a management path within technology companies.
e-Learning Centre
eLearning Centre, The Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, Albion House, Savile Street, Sheffield, S4 7UD, UK
tel: +44 (0)114 201 8892
e-Learning Centre, is managed by Learning Light Ltd, a non-profit organisation based in Sheffield.
eLearning Forum (eLF)
The eLearning Forum is a non-commercial, global community of people who make decisions at the intersection of learning, technology, business, and design. Founded in 1999 as the Silicon Valley eLearning Network, eLearning Forum has gained a reputation as the thought leader on eLearning trends, best practices, and advice on the industry. Members of our community of practice include corporate chief learning officers, eLearning marketing executives, investment analysts, researchers and developers.
eLearning Guild
375 E Street, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, USA
tel: +1.707.566.8990
tel: +1.707.566.8990
fax: + 1.707.566.8963
email: service@eLearningGuild.net
web: www.eLearningGuild.net
Contacts: Heidi Fisk; Bill Brandon; Tim Martin; Holly Creel
Contacts: Heidi Fisk; Bill Brandon; Tim Martin; Holly Creel
The eLearning Guild is a member-driven online information center and Community of Practice where anyone involved in the design, development, and management of web-based educational or instructional content (e-Learning) can identify and access resources needed to ensure that their organizations' projects are successful, engage in a professional peer network, and focus on expanding their own professional skills, knowledge, and expertise.
eLearning Network (eLN)
c/o Thrift Cottage, Common Road, HADLOW, TN11 0JE, UK
tel: +44 (0)1732 850650
email: info@elearningnetwork.org
Chair: Clive Shepherd (tel +44 (0)1273 561714; email clives@fastrak-consulting.co.uk) Administrator: Pat Straughan.
The eLN is a non-profit organisation run by the elearning community for the elearning community. The eLN is the number one source for guidance on best practice and future trends in technology-based learning and development at work, with more than 1,500 members in the UK and beyond.
Energy Industry CBT Alliance (EICA)
The Energy Industry CBT Alliance (EICA) is the USA’s largest consortium of energy companies that use technology-based training.
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
Head office: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Europe 123, Pylea, Thessaloniki Postal address: PO Box 22427, Finikas, GR - 55102, Thessaloniki
tel: +30 2310 49 01 11 fax: +30 2310 49 00 49
Cedefop Brussels Office: c/o European Commission, DG Education and Culture
Tour Madou, 4th floor, office 67, B-1049 Brussels
tel: +32 2 2991093
tel: +32 2 2991093
fax: +32 2 2921891
Cedefop - the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, established in 1975, is a European agency that helps promote and develop vocational education and training in the European Union (EU). It is the EU's reference centre for vocational education and training. Originally based in Berlin, in 1995 Cedefop's head office was transferred to Thessaloniki. Cedefop has a liaison office in Brussels.
'Cedefop' is the French acronym of the organisation's official title, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Centre Européen pour le Développement de la Formation Professionnelle).
European Institute for E-Learning (EifFEL)
1 rue Neuve, F-89210 Champlost, France
tel: +33 3 8643 1343
fax: +33 3 8643 1778
web: www.eife-l.org/
Chief Executive: Serge Ravet
EIfEL (European Institute for E-Learning) is an independent, not-for-profit European professional association whose mission is to support organisations, communities and individuals in building a knowledge economy and a learning society through innovative and reflective practice, continuing professional development and the use of knowledge, information and learning technologies. EIfEL is leading the Europortfolio consortium and is a founding member of EFQUEL, the European Foundation for Quality in ELearning.
European Learning Industry Group (ELIG)
c/o Richard Straub, 63, rue Rambuteau, 75 004 Paris – France
tel & fax: +33 1 4028 0947
tel & fax: +33 1 4028 0947
email: straubr@fr.ibm.com
web: http://www.elig.org/
Secretary General: Richard Straub; Programme Director: Matty Smith
ELIG is an open industry group with members representing the ecosystem for 21st century learning solutions. ELIG seeks to promote innovation in learning, knowledge creation and dissemination throughout Europe.
Institute of IT Training (IITT)
Westwood House, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, CV4 8HS, UK
tel: +44 (0)845 0068858
tel: +44 (0)845 0068858
fax: +44 (0)845 0068871
email: info@iitt.org.uk
Chief Exceutive: Colin Steed
The Institute of IT Training is the world's first professional body for IT training professionals. It was established in 1995 and is now established as the leading authority throughout the UK and Europe on IT training and development.
International Association for Distance Learning
Coborn House, 3 Coborn Road, Docklands, London E3 2DA, UK
Tel:+44 (0)7005 802 906
fax: +44 (0)7005 961 906
email: administration@iadl.org.uk
The International Association for Distance Learning promotes excellence in open, distance, and online learning worldwide, and provides a benchmark through which global consumers can gauge the quality of courses offered by our membership. The IADL is an independent, non-profit organisation with its principal administrative offices in the UK.
University of Bristol, 3rd Floor, Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU, UK
tel: +44 (0) 117 33 10789
fax: +44 (0) 117 33 10667
email: info@jisc.ac.uk
web: www.jisc.ac.uk/
JISC's activities support education and research by promoting innovation in new technologies and by the central support of ICT services.
Learning Resources Network (LERN)
LERN, PO Box 9, River Falls, WI 54022, USA
Tel +1 800 678 5376
email info@lern.org
web: www.lern.org/
The Learning Resources Network (LERN) is an international association of lifelong learning programming, offering information and resources to providers of lifelong learning programs.
This guide was written and compiled by Bob Little. For over 20 years, Bob Little has specialised in writing about, and commentating on, corporate learning – especially elearning – and technology-related subjects. His work has been published in the UK, Continental Europe, the USA, Singapore and Australia. You can read his blog here.