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Adrian Pitt

Develop-meant Training Consultants


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An actor’s life for me?!


ADRIAN PITT from Develop-meant Training Consultants dons a glittery head scarf, gives his crystal ball a rub and ponders his company's future. Is there more exciting learning and development work on the horizon, or is he due a 'bit part' in Corrie as "man in Roy's caff, with full English, trying to eat tinned tomatoes quietly"?!


* The accountant's been paid

* The tax man's been paid (almost!)

* The Professional Indemnity insurance cheque has gone off...

There's just enough money left under that creaky floorboard for a Kit Kat and a Pot Noodle! Heck! A couple of my contracts come to an end December/January time. I've been fortunate that, quite early on in this Self Employment malarkey, work that I've thoroughly enjoyed doing came along, standing me in good stead with a regular income. Now what?!

I could always be an 'extra' in Eastenders? Stood in the market with a jar of jellied eels, opening and closing my mouth and trying not to look at the camera?! Funnily enough, I do feel a bit like a "jobbing actor", waiting for my next project to come galloping over the horizon. I don't think its quite hit me yet (although when I press the "Submit" button for this post, I think the penny will drop!) that I should be putting the feelers out now, looking to early next year to determine my next path. I don't want that next project slowly trotting towards me - "galloping" is the word I used!

This is where a check back to my Business Plan comes in (you know, that document that tends to become a handy drawer-liner, or an emergency paper towel when you knock your Ovaltine over your keyboard?!). Plus, a look at what I'm offering and a recce of my target market. "Time for review and reflection" I think I'll call it!

I'd be interested to hear how you guys prepare for contracts/projects that are due to expire. This will be the first time I've been faced with this scenario. All tips gratefully received to save me from the 'soaps'!!

Best wishes,


You can find Develop-meant Training Consultants at and follow Ade on Twitter at Subscribe to the Develop-meant blog at and celebrate the company's first Birthday!

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