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Any Answers Digest #10 – Research on workforce planning, training professional bodies, input channels – the real statistics?


TrainingZONE Any Answers Digest - Issue 10
Wednesday 8 May 2002

********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********
...Research on workforce professional bodies.
...overcoming senior managers resistance to training...input
channels - the real statistics?....
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********

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What you asked this fortnight:
New questions posted include:

- Does anyone know of any useful literature or websites that
could help me understand the complexities and practicalities of
workforce planning?, asks Kathy Weigh

- What qualifications exist for trainers and which is considered
to be the highest level?, asks Paul Bellard

- I am trying to put together a list of professional bodies most
favoured by trainers, including major benefits and cost. Do you
belong to more than one or do you not see the point of joining?,
asks Liz McConnell

Got a question you need answered? Post it now, free of charge at

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Featured question: Apocryphal research or reality?

We all at some time have come across the statistics about how
much you remember if you see it, hear and see it, hear see and do
it etc. I have noticed that every time I see/hear someone use it
they (a) change the numbers and (b) omit the source. So who
really did the research and what really were the numbers? No
bluffing now - we want evidence...!

Question submitted by Clive Hook

Members responses

(edited responses appear - see the site for full responses)


Good question - I had exactly the same question while preparing a
Train the Trainer course and chose not to include these figures
as I couldn't reference them.

Do the exact statistics matter though? Isn't the point of this
stuff to make trainers/presenters realise they must address more
than one input channel in order to reach people?

Jane Partridge


Part of the original but questioned research comes from the

A study conducted in 1967 by psychologist Albert Mehrabian
attempted to distinguish the importance of verbal and nonverbal
communication. The conclusion was the 7-38-55 formula. This has
basically been interpreted to mean communication is 7 percent
verbal, 38 percent vocal, and 55 percent facial.

Bernard Stewart


Dale's Cone of Experience relates to how much people remember.
The statistics are shown in a triangle broken into 6 levels.
The top level states people remember 10 percent of what they

The next level reports people remember 20 percent of what they
hear. Then it states people remember 30 percent of what they
see, then 50 percent of what they hear and see, then 70 percent
of what they say and write and finally, stating people remember
90 percent of what they do. Hope this has been helpful

Peter Webb


We remember 10 percent of what we read, 20 percent of what we
hear, 30 percent of what we see, 50 percent of what we see and
hear, 80 percent of what we say and 90percent of what we say and
do. Unfortunately, I have no source on that. Also, 35 percent
of the population intake information visually, 25 percent of the
population intake info through auditory (hearing) and 40 percent
take in info through kinaesthetic (touchy feely), again no

Lisa Birch


Read the full discussion and add your own views at

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Any Answers Answered:
This fortnight, new responses have been added to the following

Q - Does anyone have experience of overcoming the resistance that
senior managers have to being trained and the design of
performance management training for senior managers?

Richard Rogers

A - Richard Barkey says, 'It sounds simple, but in our experience
senior managers are much more receptive to training if it's
positioned as 'refining' their skills rather than training per
se. Even better if the focus is on how to coach others in the
skill area, rather than building the managers' skills at all.
(This gets around the main barrier, which is 'I should know this
by now and can't be seen to admit that I don't!')'.

A - Conall Platts adds, 'We tackled this in a similar
organisation by facilitating 360 degree feedback before the event
. We encouraged all managers, peers and reports to be as honest
(and constructive) as possible.

To read the full responses, see

Q - I am running a presentation course for managers and would
like to include a section on behaviours to adopt when delivering
difficult messages. Can anyone point me in the direction of good

Karen Forrest

A - Bob Foley suggests, 'Try and get hold of a video of the first
episode of 'The Office' ... or probably any episode. That's the
way it's always done in my experience ...'

To read the full responses, see

Any Answers would cease to function without all those who
regularly share their knowledge and experience. If you've
benefited from receiving advice from an Any Answers question but
have yet to post a response yourself, why not do your bit by
responding to one of the questioners now at

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TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630 ISSN 1474-2225