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Any Answers Digest #11 – Induction training, CBT development time, what value ‘nelly’?


TrainingZONE Any Answers Digest - Issue 11
Wednesday 21 May 2002

********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS *********
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument and Honey and Mumford's
learning styles... Implementing induction training...estimating
CBT development time...what value 'sitting with nelly'?
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS *********

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members free of charge any time at

Investors in People
Do your employees love their work? Do you love yours? No? You
need Investors in People - especially if you're a smaller
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What you asked this fortnight:
New questions posted include:

- The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument and Honey and
Mumford's Learning Styles have some similarities in training, but
do they map to each other?, asks Steve Reynolds

- As part of our leadership development programme we ensure
delegates are given a chance to work in many different areas of
the business. I believe it would also be useful for delegates to
work in a completely different work environment and for them to
experience many different cultures and ways of doing business.
Has anyone any experience of sending staff outside of their
employing company for work experience and if so did it work?,
asks Simon Ralton

- I have been employed by a public sector organisation for 4
years providing T and D advice and delivery, both internally and
externally, I feel that my next career move should be to a
private sector company - can anyone offer advice on tactics or
action that I should be taking?, asks Rob Allen

Got a question you need answered? Post it now, free of charge at

BT Business Agility - free online workshop
Want to know how to empower your staff? With new working
practices come a raft of new issues for human resources and
training managers. On 28 May at 13:00 BST, Lee Slater from BT
Business Agility will be holding a workshop that looks at
business agility, empowering the workforce and the diminishing
office space. Visit for
more information on how to take part in this discussion.

Featured question: Implementing induction training
I am currently working at a Further Education College and I am
looking to review our induction procedures. The college is
spread over a number of sites and we have employees who work in
standard classrooms through to work-based learning such as
engineering workshops, construction, hairdressing, catering etc.
Can anyone suggest how I might implement an induction programme
for such a diverse workforce?

Question submitted by Elaine Jackson

Members responses

(edited responses appear - see the site for full responses)

I experience the same difficulties - a diverse staff of 1700 in a
large F and HE Institute. I have introduced a set of mentors
based in each department who facilitate action learning processes
with inductees. I don't have set, classroom based events anymore.
Induction is on-going over the first few months and it's
important to provide practical, three-dimensional support in a
manner that suits full time, part-time etc staff. I can tell you
more if interested.

H McCarry


Induction training at FE and University campuses has been
something that we have been working with for some time now. At
the out set you really need to be clear about what the desired
outcomes should be and what you are expecting by way of
measurable results.

Brian Smithies


Hi Elaine,
Have you thought about asking existing staff what were there
first reactions to joining the College and how they might have
been helped to understand the complexities of the organisation?
You could then build your programme based on the lessons learned
from others.

Dr Michael Kelleher


Hi Elaine,
You have several areas of expertise to contend with, so bring in
the experts! There is commonality with all inductees and the
requirement to cover the usual induction subjects. When the
initial induction is concluded, his or her departmental heads
should greet new starters and escort them to the new location. I
would suggest that you visit each department to collect your
responses. My experience in educational environments is such
that, it is the most difficult environment to manage change!
Good luck!

Clive O'Donnell


I used to work in higher education and to be frank induction was
appalling. We eventually developed a mix of methods that were
totally reliant on trained managers to ensure that they happened.
The idea being that the manager covered the key aspects of the
induction and then had arranged over a longer period of time a
series of appointments, or booked them onto the necessary
training courses with other key personnel that were noted in the
induction. It stopped the, 'Oh, go and talk to personnel...'
syndrome in managers, and helped improve the relationship between
managers and staff.
All the best

Rob Shorrock


A lot depends on what budget you have and how creative that
allows you to be. I would be happy to discuss your situation and
give you plenty of ideas.

Gary Homes


Hi Elaine, I work at a very large FE/HE college and we are just
undertaking a review of our induction training, with a view to
implementing a revised programme in 2002/2003. Other posted
comments make the very important point about getting feedback
from inductees - we run ours as 2 half day programmes and get
written feedback from all attendees. The Director of HR then
follows this up with a very brief questionnaire which asks new
staff whether the reality of working at the college actually
matches what they were told at interview and induction and what
they expected. Online induction is also a way forward with a
multi-site operation.

Good luck. Ian

Read the full discussion and add your own views at

The Change Works
Walter Littlethought and Sons is a bastion of British
manufacturing industry but its management has lost the plot and
its business is in rapid decline. Can a mysterious fez-wearing
ostrich help save it? Tune into
on Thursday 23rd May for the first of 21 hilarious daily animated
cartoons that take a sideways look at change management.

Any Answers Answered:
This fortnight, new responses have been added to the following

Q - I work in the public sector and would like to know people's
thoughts on the benefits of traditional on-the-job training as
opposed to newer methods such as distance learning, e-learning
etc in order to help people learn how to do their jobs. Are the
old methods of 'sitting with nelly' still the best way?

Julie Swift

(edited responses appear - see site for full responses)

A - A lot depends on the type of work that the target audience is
expected to do, says Robin Windley: 'I work in an industry with
many 'traditional' skill areas and it works in this instance. I
am not sure it would be suitable in all cases though.'

A - I have spent many years on both sides of the fence,
regarding on-the-job training, says Clive O'Donnell. 'In some
situations I believe that it is the best form of training
available, but formal evaluation must support this.'

A - I agree with Clive's points but would add that learning
skills and attitudes to self development should be given
prevalence - whatever the methodology employed, says Rick Martin.

To read the full responses, see

Q - I am putting together a justification for developing a CBT
course for one of our pieces of software which is sold
externally. I need to estimate the development time. Does anyone
have a formula which will give such an estimate?

Alison Hollingworth

A - 'It depends on the complexity of both the software you are
trying to train users on, and the complexity of the CBT solution
you intend to deliver. If the solution is likely to contain large
amounts of original graphics and animation, the formula will
increase,' says Glen Maxwell

A - 'You will find development ratios of between 200 and 400:1
widely quoted, i.e. it might allegedly take anywhere between 200
and 400 hours to produce one finished hour of CBT. Before
quoting any development ratio in your report I would urge you to
consider the following points' (see site), adds Adrian Snook

A - Adrian is giving you some excellent advice. Before you
estimate, you will need to do quite a bit of research. I can send
you an extract from my own course development methodology on
estimating development effort, comments Gary Homes

To read the full responses, see

Any Answers would cease to function without all those who
regularly share their knowledge and experience. If you've
benefited from receiving advice from an Any Answers question but
have yet to post a response yourself, why not do your bit by
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