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Any Answers Digest #12 – Online inductions, treasure hunts and team building, oral communications, insurance…


TrainingZONE Any Answers Digest - Issue 12
Wednesday 5 June 2002

********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********
...Online inductions...treasure hunts and team IT for the first time...improving oral
communications skills...professional indemnity insurance...
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********

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What you asked this fortnight:
New questions posted include:

- Has anyone used treasure hunts in team building? if so, did
you design them yourselves, or did you buy a package in?, asks
Colin Hamilton

- We are due to renew our professional indemnity insurance but I
am concerned that our current insurance is not really geared to
the training industry. Can anyone recommend a supplier of
professional indemnity insurance suitable to training companies?,
asks Rod Webb

- Does anyone have ideas for a high level 'fun' but not 'menial'
ice breaker?, asks Amanda Towse

Got a question you need answered? Post it now, free of charge at

New from COROUS, the Open University's corporate arm: Create, a
process which can turn any text into well-designed online
learning programmes. Create transforms Word documents prepared
by course writers into engaging courses for online delivery and
can be used to convert existing material into effective online
learning experiences. For more details, see

Featured question: I've never trained IT before - help!
I am a soft skills trainer, customer service, communications
etc. and am just about to ad IT to my list! I know my way around
Word, Excel (not Access) but have no idea how to put together a
12 day programme that will be interesting, challenging and
guaranteed to enhance skills. If any one would be happy to share
some tried and tested ideas, I would be very grateful.

Question submitted by Molly Carey

Members responses

A 12 day programme in a new subject area is a tall order. Please
consider further before embarking on this these few points.

1. What risk is involved here if things go wrong? Is your
reputation in the areas you do well likely to be adversely
affected? Are you going to be considered professional over 12
days of IT training where customer expectations are high due to
their past dealings with you?
2. Have you considered strategically placing yourself within a
joint venture so you say provide the coordination services and
'front' the operation and someone else provides the IT programme
for you to use and assists you in delivery?
3.Knowing your way around Word and Excel is a great start but to
really train you also need to know what to do when things go
wrong, this is one of the reasons when training in all our
subject areas including IT we make sure that all our trainers
knew in depth stuff. Far in excess of the needs of their group so
they were always ahead of the game and could inspire confidence.

We are not saying don't do this to yourself just take care as to
us starting with one or two days that goes well and developing
that from a good foundation over time is much better than 12 days
of possible hell.

What ever you decide we wish you the best!

Training By Design Global Ltd


The Institute of IT Training has produced a handy Competency
Framework for developers of IT training courses. You could use
this as a task list or aide memoire when preparing your course.

Adrian Snook


Have you considered ECDL? It should give you plenty of ideas.

Bob Foley


Molly, how and why have you arrived at 12 days. Is it the same
course to delivered several times? Have you got definitive
outlines? Information of target audience and timeframes? Have you
reviewed the MOUS exams to see what they include. I do agree with
the comments already posted. If I can help please e-mail.


Valerie Merrill


Read the full discussion and add your own views at

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Any Answers Answered:
This fortnight, new responses have been added to the following

Q - We are looking to develop on-line induction programmes for
use as a follow up to our main day one induction. Has anyone has
created an on-line induction programme of any sort? Any
feedback and ideas on this would be great.

Andrea Pyett

(edited responses appear - see site for full responses)

A - I have developed online materials for induction training, the
feedback for which has been very good. The success has been down
to the time allocated to design and development (between 100/400
hours to develop an hour long module), technical knowledge/skills
of training developer and the ability to update it later., says
Graham Price.

A - I think a lot depends upon the quality and quantity of
current information available on the Company Intranet, comments
Rick Martin

A - There are many things to consider before opting for online
induction. From a due diligence viewpoint online is 'just the
ticket', but developing it, is another matter, adds Marco Bond.

To read the full responses, see

Q - I've been asked to devise and deliver a course aimed at
improving oral communication (but specifically not in
Presentation Skills); some members of my client's workforce are
very able but communicate badly at meetings and in day-to-day
office life. I'm looking for resources / tips / techniques about
how to approach this. Can anyone help with this, please?

Wendy Petty

(edited responses appear - see site for full responses)

A - A couple of exercises come to mind - primarily to raise
awareness of communications issues and then to integrate SMART
actions for each subsequent exercise, and so on, etc. (see site
for details) Cheers, Conall Platts

A - Hi Wendy,
I would suggest you analyse the issues that require addressing in
the first instance. Conduct a TNA, to ascertain the training
requirement and address appropriately. Depending on the size of
your workforce and available budget, it may well be more cost
effective (in the long term) to outsource this project.
Clive O'Donnell

To read the full responses, see

Any Answers would cease to function without all those who
regularly share their knowledge and experience. If you've
benefited from receiving advice from an Any Answers question but
have yet to post a response yourself, why not do your bit by
responding to one of the questioners now at

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