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Any Answers Digest #14 – Pick your jargon, management training accreditation, create a training strategy


TrainingZONE Any Answers Digest - Issue 14
Wednesday 3 July 2002

********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********
Choosing terms for champions... Attendance at training...
Training in spelling, grammar and literacy... Accreditation for
management training... Creating a training strategy... Is IT
training different?
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********

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What you asked this fortnight:
New questions posted include:

- I am looking for examples on creating a training strategy for
the provision of systems training. Any help on implementing a
training programme in an organisation that has never had a
training function would be greatly appreciated. I have completed
a full training needs analysis for all staff and am now looking
for further direction.
Pauline M

- Which body is the most credible accreditor for NVQ4/SVQ level
qualifications? And who provides the best courses (classroom/e-
learning/blended) to support learning at this level?
Mark C

- Are there particular issues that relate to IT training
specifically rather than training in general?
Stella Collins

Got a question you need answered? Post it now, free of charge at

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Featured question: Champions by another name
I am working with a client organisation where they are
establishing "champions" to oversee 3 areas of best practice.
These people will have influencing roles, but no direct line
management responsibility for ensuring best practice across their
areas (it is a manufacturing environment). The word "champion" is
ideal - except for the fact that they are jargon averse and
cannot stand the word "champion"??!!
Any suggestions from anyone re alternatives?

Question submitted by Pete Swanson

Members responses

(edited responses appear - see site for full responses)

Winner, victor, defender, knight, challenger, conqueror, warrior,
guardian, patron, vindicator, advocate, expounder, proponent,
supporter, mentor...

Eddie Newall


Having worked in manufacturing I can understand the aversion to
jargon and novel job titles. I would suggest keeping it simple,
with language that everyone on the site can understand. What
about something like Quality Manager/leader - quality is a term
everyone should understand and appreciate.

Elspeth Wedgwood


If they don't like jargon then why not use the language they use
in day-to-day working life. If there's nothing there you can use
then the only suggestion I have is 'Facilitator'. You could stick
something in front or after it as relevant to the subject matter.
Facilitator is non-threatening (unless they are super-sensitive).

Nigel Higgs


Why not think about the descriptors that best describe roles of
the champions, e.g. are these people 'driving' things forward or
'facilitating' progress or 'enabling' things to happen. I
personally hate this term too, because it is too elitist unless
the merited title is deserved, acknowledged as such by the
general population and resulting from a major previous success.
Hope these thoughts help, why not ask the people themselves for
ideas they are comfortable with?

Rick Martin


How about "ambassadors"?

Tim Drewitt


Ask the work force to suggest, print the list of suggestions,
paste it on the noticeboard, ask everyone to vote by ticking in
front of preferred word. Or Supporters, Mentors, Advisers, Pals,

Yasmin Sheikh


To read the full responses, see

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Any Answers Answered:
This fortnight, new responses have been added to the following

Q - Does anyone have any experience of or can recommend any on-
line or e-learning products designed to help/improve spelling,
grammar and vocabulary?
Joanne Rogers

(edited responses appear - see site for full responses)

A - You could try the BBC Skillswise website - it has resources
for tutors of literacy and numeracy
Barbara Zealley

A - Try Stylewriter. It acts like performance support- checking
your work as you work.
Linda Unsworth

A - Try Plan English They are an independent organisation aiming
for all public info to be written in Plain English. They provide
trainer training materials, on line courses and provide stand up
delivery on all the areas you've mentioned.

A - Try Cambridge Training and Development - They
develop all sorts of training material focused on literacy,
numeracy etc and all of it IT based.
David Tournay

To read the full responses, see


Q - Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can improve poor
attendance at training sessions?
Cris Sasovsky

(Edited responses appear - see site for full responses)

A - If people fail to pitch or fail to cancel within a pre-
determined period (say 1 week) - charge their manager's cost
centre for the wasted seat!
Fiona Rielly

A - We recommend to our clients they institute attendance
policies and hold mandatory training meetings. If the employee
does not show for the meeting they receive a written warning for
an unexcused absence. We use a 3 strikes and you are out. If they
miss another meeting they receive a Final warning for unexcused
absence, then if they miss a third they are terminated. This may
sound harsh but it will identify those that don't have respect
for you as a company, nor for their job. If they aren't
interested in improving their skills they aren't doing a good for
you anyway.
Maryah Sutter

Any Answers couldn't function without all those who regularly
share their knowledge and experience. If you've benefited from
receiving advice from an Any Answers question but have yet to
post a response yourself, why not have a go by responding to one
of the questioners now at

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