TrainingZONE Any Answers Digest – Issue 19
Wednesday 11 September 2002
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS **********
Seeking pointers on getting into coaching…e-learning strategies
in the NHS…research into age, gender and e-learning…appraisal
forms for 1-2-1s…inductions in call centres…
********** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK’S TOPICS **********
714 questions, 2036 answers and 789 respondents to date in 2002!
Make sure you’re a part of this thriving part of the site by
logging on now at
BBC Worldwide
A guide for business trainers that includes training
insights, case studies and a comprehensive catalogue of BBC
Learning Business products and services. Register for your free
copy and you will also qualify for a 10 percent discount off all
advance orders. To register send an e-mail to
What you asked this fortnight
New questions posted include:
– I’d like some pointers on getting into coaching – what advice
would you give?, asks Anne Walsh
– Can anyone supply an appraisal form for use in one to ones?,
asks Helen Lamont
– Does ISO 9001-9002 improve training or culture?, asks Mark
Got a question you need answered? Post it now, free of charge at
Have you heard this one…’Buy our product, it’s the best’?
What they really mean is, ‘Buy our product, because it’s all we
have’. For the last 10 years as Trainersoft in the UK we
presented one good product. Now, as Trainer1, an independent
supplier, we have a whole range of products for you to compare
and choose from to meet your e-learning needs. Make an informed
choice – go to
– Improving Performance with Technology
Featured question: E-learning strategies
We are trying to develop a 5 year e-learning strategy, as are all
NHS bodies since we are required to do so by the end of this
year. Has anyone got examples of such strategies or maybe
suggestions as to what we should cover in a strategy?
Question submitted by Susan Taylor
Members responses
(Edited responses appear – see the site for full comments)
Dear Susan,
I am working with the Autologous Blood Transfusion Working Group
at University Hospitals Leicester, and a similar group in the
Trent Region. The goal is to assess and train online nurses, ODPs
and perfusionists in alternatives to blood transfusion. We have a
pilot programme ready to go this month which we feel is a
template for e-learning production throughout the NHS. Our work
will be published in the September issue of ‘Blood Matters’
issued by the National Blood Service. I can send you a copy of
the article written by me and the consultants involved.
Laurence S. Wilson
Dear Susan,
I am currently providing advice and assistance to a number of NHS
Trusts as they prepare their organisational e-Learning
strategies. This typically involves a great deal of detailed
work. In broad terms I would suggest you:
-Analyse the threats and opportunities acting as drivers for the
introduction of e-Learning.
-Establish objectives for change in the way that learning is
developed, delivered and managed.
-Review the alternative ways of accomplishing the objectives,
including different combinations of e-learning and traditional
-Detail your proposed solution
Adrian Snook
We have 12 NHS Trusts and growing as clients of our e-learning
courses. I would be pleased to send you a document/s of our e-
learning strategy or answer any questions you may have.
Marco Bond
learndirect corporate offers a flexible, innovative approach to
learning that produces real business benefit and an unparalleled
learning experience. Our customers can choose from a portfolio
of over 500 online courses from world-leading providers, and
have direct access to a team of e-learning experts. To find out
more go to https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/go/item/71138/729 or
call 08000 150750.
Hi Susan,
Technology has undoubtedly revolutionised business and
organisations, now it is going headlong into revolutionising
education. In the NHS and similar environments, skilled decision
makers are experts who recognise patterns and run rapid mental
simulations to test alternatives and make judgements.
People become experts through the experience of successfully
confronting difficult situations. The way forward with
learning, is not to look ahead, but look around. I have worked on
projects for the Scottish National Heritage and am currently
setting up a pilot within an NHS trust. I have some
documentation on the strategy used if you want to, contact me –
I’d be happy to forward them to you.
Douglas King
David is quite right. There is still not a lot of case study
evidence out there and certainly not for a five year plan.
Having run e-learning workshops that involved NHS Trust members,
I know that there are particular issues surrounding the
accessibility of the training, both in terms of time and physical
location. The ‘traditional’ models of e-learning may at first not
seem that relevant in an NHS environment and it was only when we
broadened the discussions and thought ‘outside of the box’ that
workable strategies emerged. They didn’t look like many of the
strategies being adopted in other sectors, but were definitely
much more applicable.
The key for me is to ensure that the strategy is closely aligned
to the business/operational needs of your NHS Trust. As needs
will change over 5 years, it needs to be a flexible strategy.
Tim Drewitt
That’s a great question to get the debate raging. It’s a shame
that there is no magic wand that can be waved to give you the
answer you need. I think the lack of replies posted here is some
pointer towards that. An e-learning strategy is something that
will vary depending upon whom you speak to.
Good luck, anyway.
David O’Neill
Independent Learning Strategist
Read the full discussion and add your own views at
Latest vacancies from the CareerZone pages:
Senior Training Officer, Manchester, 22 to 25k
Commercial Manager for major corporate training company,
Milton Keynes, 28-32k
Any Answers Answered:
This fortnight, new responses have been added to the following
Q – Is anybody aware of any research or case studies that have
been completed into associations between age, gender and
preference to e-learning?
Kenneth Deane
(edited responses appear – see site for full responses)
A – I undertook a pilot of e-learning last year and reviewed
nearly 300 feedback forms covering both sexes, people from
different countries, with different levels of education, a mix of
managerial and non-managerial and judging from the focus groups I
also ran – different ages. Although I didn’t analyse any of these
variables, I can report that I did not notice any difference in
their acceptance of e-learning.
Tim Drewitt
A – It’s not quite as easy as that. There have been patterns and
relationships recorded, but as to specific causal relationships
between these variables, the answer seems to be ‘no’. There seems
to be a relationships between age and motivation to learn, as
well as some small (although uncorrelated) relationship between
learning styles and preference for e-learning.
David Bird
To read the full responses, see
Q – I am looking for any ideas possible that will create an
interesting, different induction within a call centre. Has anyone
got anything amazing that they wouldn’t mind sharing? Any help
would be gratefully accepted.
Gwen Turpin
(edited responses appear – see site for full responses)
A – Gwen, I have just completed an induction where we used some
experiential and multisensory learning techniques that were added
to the basic induction plan to make it ‘different, exciting and
creative’. Examples include: using music as a learning tool,
self-facilitated learning and communicating their learning
through art. Feel free to mail me for a chat and I’d be happy to
share! Otherwise, Good Luck…
Kate Southall
A – I have recently reviewed my induction course. As it is for
new people and I want them to have some fun and not bombard them
with too much information. Try using quiz show formats e.g.
‘Runaround’. I also do reviews of the day (or session) in a quiz
format. To date I have ‘Blockbusters’ and ‘Family Fortunes’ all
revamped to be course friendly.
Good luck and I hope this helps.
Darren Toms
A – As a freelance call centre trainer I’ve written and delivered
several inductions at various types of call centre to differing
ages. Several thoughts occur to me, these are the same for any
training intervention.
1. Are the learning objectives being achieved?
2. Picking up from point 1. Is it appropriate for the audience?
3. What do the happy sheets say about the induction.?
If from all of the above you deduce that there is no problem with
your existing induction then do you need to be creative and
exciting? Learning is what counts, it doesn’t always need to be
creative and exciting to reach its maximum potential, 20 quiet
minutes with a manual can have the same effect.
Feel free to e-mail me if you need further info.
Mark Starling
To read the full responses, see
Any Answers would cease to function without all those who
regularly share their knowledge and experience. If you’ve
benefited from receiving advice from an Any Answers question but
have yet to post a response yourself, why not do your bit by
responding to one of the questioners now at
How to subscribe or unsubscribe to this digest
To subscribe to this newswire, e-mail
with the message SUBSCRIBE TZAA in the body text.
To unsubscribe, e-mail mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
with the message UNSUBSCRIBE TZAA in the body text.
Copyright (c) 2002 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225
TrainingZONE Any Answers Digest - Issue 19
Wednesday 11 September 2002
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********
Seeking pointers on getting into coaching...e-learning strategies
in the NHS...research into age, gender and e-learning...appraisal
forms for 1-2-1s...inductions in call centres...
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********
714 questions, 2036 answers and 789 respondents to date in 2002!
Make sure you're a part of this thriving part of the site by
logging on now at
BBC Worldwide
A guide for business trainers that includes training
insights, case studies and a comprehensive catalogue of BBC
Learning Business products and services. Register for your free
copy and you will also qualify for a 10 percent discount off all
advance orders. To register send an e-mail to
What you asked this fortnight
New questions posted include:
- I'd like some pointers on getting into coaching - what advice
would you give?, asks Anne Walsh
- Can anyone supply an appraisal form for use in one to ones?,
asks Helen Lamont
- Does ISO 9001-9002 improve training or culture?, asks Mark
Got a question you need answered? Post it now, free of charge at
Have you heard this one...'Buy our product, it's the best'?
What they really mean is, 'Buy our product, because it's all we
have'. For the last 10 years as Trainersoft in the UK we
presented one good product. Now, as Trainer1, an independent
supplier, we have a whole range of products for you to compare
and choose from to meet your e-learning needs. Make an informed
choice - go to
- Improving Performance with Technology
Featured question: E-learning strategies
We are trying to develop a 5 year e-learning strategy, as are all
NHS bodies since we are required to do so by the end of this
year. Has anyone got examples of such strategies or maybe
suggestions as to what we should cover in a strategy?
Question submitted by Susan Taylor
Members responses
(Edited responses appear - see the site for full comments)
Dear Susan,
I am working with the Autologous Blood Transfusion Working Group
at University Hospitals Leicester, and a similar group in the
Trent Region. The goal is to assess and train online nurses, ODPs
and perfusionists in alternatives to blood transfusion. We have a
pilot programme ready to go this month which we feel is a
template for e-learning production throughout the NHS. Our work
will be published in the September issue of 'Blood Matters'
issued by the National Blood Service. I can send you a copy of
the article written by me and the consultants involved.
Laurence S. Wilson
Dear Susan,
I am currently providing advice and assistance to a number of NHS
Trusts as they prepare their organisational e-Learning
strategies. This typically involves a great deal of detailed
work. In broad terms I would suggest you:
-Analyse the threats and opportunities acting as drivers for the
introduction of e-Learning.
-Establish objectives for change in the way that learning is
developed, delivered and managed.
-Review the alternative ways of accomplishing the objectives,
including different combinations of e-learning and traditional
-Detail your proposed solution
Adrian Snook
We have 12 NHS Trusts and growing as clients of our e-learning
courses. I would be pleased to send you a document/s of our e-
learning strategy or answer any questions you may have.
Marco Bond
learndirect corporate offers a flexible, innovative approach to
learning that produces real business benefit and an unparalleled
learning experience. Our customers can choose from a portfolio
of over 500 online courses from world-leading providers, and
have direct access to a team of e-learning experts. To find out
more go to https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/go/item/71138/729 or
call 08000 150750.
Hi Susan,
Technology has undoubtedly revolutionised business and
organisations, now it is going headlong into revolutionising
education. In the NHS and similar environments, skilled decision
makers are experts who recognise patterns and run rapid mental
simulations to test alternatives and make judgements.
People become experts through the experience of successfully
confronting difficult situations. The way forward with
learning, is not to look ahead, but look around. I have worked on
projects for the Scottish National Heritage and am currently
setting up a pilot within an NHS trust. I have some
documentation on the strategy used if you want to, contact me -
I'd be happy to forward them to you.
Douglas King
David is quite right. There is still not a lot of case study
evidence out there and certainly not for a five year plan.
Having run e-learning workshops that involved NHS Trust members,
I know that there are particular issues surrounding the
accessibility of the training, both in terms of time and physical
location. The 'traditional' models of e-learning may at first not
seem that relevant in an NHS environment and it was only when we
broadened the discussions and thought 'outside of the box' that
workable strategies emerged. They didn't look like many of the
strategies being adopted in other sectors, but were definitely
much more applicable.
The key for me is to ensure that the strategy is closely aligned
to the business/operational needs of your NHS Trust. As needs
will change over 5 years, it needs to be a flexible strategy.
Tim Drewitt
That's a great question to get the debate raging. It's a shame
that there is no magic wand that can be waved to give you the
answer you need. I think the lack of replies posted here is some
pointer towards that. An e-learning strategy is something that
will vary depending upon whom you speak to.
Good luck, anyway.
David O'Neill
Independent Learning Strategist
Read the full discussion and add your own views at
Latest vacancies from the CareerZone pages:
Senior Training Officer, Manchester, 22 to 25k
Commercial Manager for major corporate training company,
Milton Keynes, 28-32k
Any Answers Answered:
This fortnight, new responses have been added to the following
Q - Is anybody aware of any research or case studies that have
been completed into associations between age, gender and
preference to e-learning?
Kenneth Deane
(edited responses appear - see site for full responses)
A - I undertook a pilot of e-learning last year and reviewed
nearly 300 feedback forms covering both sexes, people from
different countries, with different levels of education, a mix of
managerial and non-managerial and judging from the focus groups I
also ran - different ages. Although I didn't analyse any of these
variables, I can report that I did not notice any difference in
their acceptance of e-learning.
Tim Drewitt
A - It's not quite as easy as that. There have been patterns and
relationships recorded, but as to specific causal relationships
between these variables, the answer seems to be 'no'. There seems
to be a relationships between age and motivation to learn, as
well as some small (although uncorrelated) relationship between
learning styles and preference for e-learning.
David Bird
To read the full responses, see
Q - I am looking for any ideas possible that will create an
interesting, different induction within a call centre. Has anyone
got anything amazing that they wouldn't mind sharing? Any help
would be gratefully accepted.
Gwen Turpin
(edited responses appear - see site for full responses)
A - Gwen, I have just completed an induction where we used some
experiential and multisensory learning techniques that were added
to the basic induction plan to make it 'different, exciting and
creative'. Examples include: using music as a learning tool,
self-facilitated learning and communicating their learning
through art. Feel free to mail me for a chat and I'd be happy to
share! Otherwise, Good Luck...
Kate Southall
A - I have recently reviewed my induction course. As it is for
new people and I want them to have some fun and not bombard them
with too much information. Try using quiz show formats e.g.
'Runaround'. I also do reviews of the day (or session) in a quiz
format. To date I have 'Blockbusters' and 'Family Fortunes' all
revamped to be course friendly.
Good luck and I hope this helps.
Darren Toms
A - As a freelance call centre trainer I've written and delivered
several inductions at various types of call centre to differing
ages. Several thoughts occur to me, these are the same for any
training intervention.
1. Are the learning objectives being achieved?
2. Picking up from point 1. Is it appropriate for the audience?
3. What do the happy sheets say about the induction.?
If from all of the above you deduce that there is no problem with
your existing induction then do you need to be creative and
exciting? Learning is what counts, it doesn't always need to be
creative and exciting to reach its maximum potential, 20 quiet
minutes with a manual can have the same effect.
Feel free to e-mail me if you need further info.
Mark Starling
To read the full responses, see
Any Answers would cease to function without all those who
regularly share their knowledge and experience. If you've
benefited from receiving advice from an Any Answers question but
have yet to post a response yourself, why not do your bit by
responding to one of the questioners now at
How to subscribe or unsubscribe to this digest
To subscribe to this newswire, e-mail
with the message SUBSCRIBE TZAA in the body text.
To unsubscribe, e-mail mailto:unsubscribe@trainingzone.co.uk
with the message UNSUBSCRIBE TZAA in the body text.
Copyright (c) 2002 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.
TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
https://www.trainingzone.co.uk ISSN 1474-2225