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Any Answers Digest #9 – Value Chain Management, cross-cultural change training, mapping basic skills to e-learning


TrainingZONE Any Answers Digest - Issue 9
Wednesday 24 April 2002

********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********
Value Chain Management...cross-cultural change training...
building trust within teams..mapping basic skills to e-learning..
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS **********

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What you asked this fortnight:
New questions posted include:

- Has anyone been involved in mapping basic or key skills to
current e-learning modules?, asks Richard Henderson

- Can anyone advise of training or support services for
employees with dyslexia problems who feel constrained in terms of
career progression?, asks Ray Jackson

- Have you got any resources that you would be willing to share
around storytelling in business?, asks Victoria Robson

Got a question you need answered? Post it now, free of charge at

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CHANGE' (worth 9.99 GBP), drop us an e-mail. Or attend our 1 day
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Featured question: Value Chain Management Model

Can someone please help me with a brief explanation and a model
of Value Chain Management?

Question submitted by Alan Williams.

Members responses

(edited responses appear - see the site for full responses)


The Value Chain represents the passage of a product from your
supplier(s) of raw materials to your end consumer, moving through
distributors, intermediaries, your own company's internal
functions through any retailers or intermediaries you may have on
the products' way to the end consumer. Managing this chain,
especially those areas outside of your own company, helps to
ensure a quality product and buying experience (value) for your
end customers. Hope this helps.

Melanie Hollinshead


The Australian government has an excellent resource on this
subject. Go there and have a look at the resources which (if I
remember) includes a copy of Porter's diagram.

Clive Hook


I'd recommend you get in-touch with Mike Nevin. He's quite an
authority in this area (Association of Strategic Alliance
Partnerships UK Chairman). He'd certainly be able to point you in
the direction of others if he couldn't personally help.
Hope this helps,

Conall Platts


Here's some material that might help (see site for details).

Bob Foley

Read the full discussion and add your own views at

Need materials to develop your staff? TrainingZONE's Library now
has an improved layout to help you find what you need, so for
tried-and-tested materials on team development, management
development, key skills, customer service, personal and
organisational development from TrainingZONE's own authors, see

Any Answers Answered:
This fortnight, new responses have been added to the following

Q - I'm running a workshop on cross-cultural management. I'd like
to include a short session to show that, although it can be much
more work to manage a culturally diverse group, there are
advantages in terms of better problem solving and creativity and,
potentially, better appeal to a wider range of customers. I've
already got lots of theory, I need something fun to fit in
between a couple of heavy sessions.

Philippa Forsyth

A - Hi Philippa,
Just off the top of my head, how about a quick role-play
scenario, whereby you give each delegate an inappropriate role?
Create diverse roles that could be applicable to cover all bases.
You could choose just about any scene relevant to your delegate
workplace and the course goals.

Clive O'Donnell

To read the full responses, see

Q - I'm conducting some research into trust, in particular,
techniques for accelerating the process of building trust within
new teams. Does any one have any ideas of resources, references
or exercises which they have seen work in this context?

Conall Platts

A - Conall, I have found that using a team profiling psychometric
tool, combined with a workshop to agree things such as team
objectives, values, behaviours, ways of working, etc can work
wonders in building trust early.

Fiona Hodges

A - I agree fully with Fiona, the only other area I would
consider is Experiential Learning. The key is not just the
outdoors, its the ability of the facilitator to link it to
business needs.

Tom Govan

To read the full responses, see

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regularly share their knowledge and experience. If you've
benefited from receiving advice from an Any Answers question but
have yet to post a response yourself, why not do your bit by
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