We have just revised our training programmes to make them more motivational and would like to organise a small event to advertise. I need ideas on what event we should organise to offer something a little different (than just renting a conference room in a hotel and offer drinks and snacks). We are based in the Caribbean.
Nat G
Nat G
4 Responses
Suggestions …
Hi Nat, hope your revised programme proves to be highly successful. You could offer a short taster session which covers some of the new material. Also offer each attendee a chance to enter a competition for, say, bottle of champagne as a prize or if you’re using a hotel would they be prepared to give free access to their facilities (spa? meal for 2?) as a prize?? Let us know what you eventually decide. 🙂
Further info
This is a good idea Claire, thank you. However, I think we are trying to think of somehow incorporating some of what we do, without making it too informal or lengthy. Hope I’m not confusing you..! We will have a presentation – short – 15 minutes max. We cannot have any theme event, because we think it would turn the event into a party, which is not what we want 🙂 Instead, we want ideas of little.. gimmicks i guess, we could add during the event to get people interested to to at least try us.. Our training is highly motivational, full of activities (in areas of customer service, sales, team building, etc). Following any training course, we also provide our client – as well as all participants – with a report. this report includes what we perceive as being the participants’ strengths, weaknesses, etc. we view this as a critical tool, as it truly helps some people – as well as their employer. I’m only adding this piece of information to give you an idea of what we offer generally.. which could help further siggestions. My mind is blank at this point.
Mind not so blank anymore..
Hello clare:
I wanted to thank you once again, as you actually inspired me to find something to do during this event we’re planning!
When you suggested that we offer a sample of one of our courses, i thought i was great, because ideally, that’s what we should be doing to seel it! However, we have decided to do our presentation like we would conduct our training course. Of course, the content will only be our presentation, but we will carry it out the same way we would any of our courses, including the same witty remarks we would make to participants, and be our motivational selves throughout… I don’t know what you think about this idea. We think it would be great, as it would definitely give them an idea of the approach we take towards participants without actually let them sit through a course.
Thoughts …
Hi Nat, glad to hear my ramblings have provided some inspiration. It’s a little hard to judge whether your idea would be suitable as I’m unsure of the content and material being presented but I think this format would be pretty ideal for most subjects. So give a whirl and hope the launch is successful.